- She flushed crimson with shame. 她羞愧得两颊绯红。
- She flushed crimson with shame 她羞愧得两颊绯红。
- Mary flushed crimson with embarrassment. 玛丽羞得脸红了。
- He flushed crimson with indignation. 他因愤怒而脸红。
- The lad flushed crimson with anger, and darted a look of hate out of his dark eyes. 孩子的脸顿时气得通红,黑眼睛里射出仇恨的目光。
- His face was flushed with shame. 他的脸因羞耻而变红。
- He flushed crimson with indignation 他因愤怒而面孔涨得通红。
- She flushed with pleasure when we complimented her. 我们赞扬她时她高兴得脸发红。
- Her remarks made him writhe with shame. 她的话羞得他十分难堪。
- She flushed the sink out with warm water. 她用温水把水槽冲洗干净。
- Blush to the roots; crimson; crimson with shame or anger 面红耳赤
- She went crimson with embarrassment. 她羞得满脸通红。
- She brought the fact out with shame. 她羞愧地讲出了事实。
- Blush to the roots;crimson with shame or anger;crimson 面红耳赤
- and she flushed crimson at once, conscious that in putting this question to him after his mention of “freedom,” she was ascribing a significance to his words which was possibly not intended. 玛丽亚公爵小姐说完后,立刻脸就涨红了,她发觉,在他说了他是自由的之后,她的话对于他没有任何意义。
- She was covered with shame at her failure. 她对自己的失败感到无比惭愧。
- She said she flushed it in her math examination. 她说她的数学没及格。
- She flushed when she couldn't answer the question. 她回答不出这个问题,脸红了。
- I was filled with shame when I remembered how badly I'd behaved at the party. 我想起我在聚会上的恶劣行为时,真感到羞愧不已。
- She flushed the unused tablets away. 她冲 走了未服用的药片。