- His focus on the male body and the comradeship and enmity between men has led to speculations of sexual preference. 而他偏重男性血肉,以及男性之间的情义与仇恨,经常引起性心理方面的猜测。
- I intend the equality of all humans with one another regardless of gender, race or sexual preference or social status. 我意愿所有人平等,无论性别,种族或性偏好,或社会状况。
- I forgive those ancestors who repressed others founded upon sexual preference or who were repressed by others founded upon sexual preference. 我宽恕那些因性偏好而压迫别人或被他人压迫的祖先们。
- I will treat all my clients with equal respect, regardless of their origin, race, religion, gender, age, or sexual preference. 我将对待所有我的被占卜者以相等的尊敬,不论他们的起源、种族、宗教、性别、年龄及性倾向。
- Even queers sometimes yell too thoughtlessly for gay pride, as if having a sexual preference is something of which to be proud. 但是在一些对同性恋友好的人们的眼里我们同样也是龌龊和不正当的,只是从恶魔的称号转为时髦的怪物。
- This represented another attempt to dispel stereotypical myths about lesbians - to separate sexual preference from their personality. 这也揭示了女同志的另一个特点,那就是将性向与人格分离开来。
- This study examined the role of the male body size in the female sexual preference and male-male competition among croaking gouramis (Trichopsis vittata Cuvier, 1831). 本研究考察了条纹短攀鲈(Trichopsis vittata)雄性个体的身体大小对雌性个体性偏好的影响以及对雄性之间竞争的影响。
- Debaters must not be discriminated against on the basis of religion, sex, race, fame of their university, sexual preference, age, social status, accent or any disability. 辩手不能因为宗教信仰、性别、种族、学校知名度、性取向、年龄、社会地位、口音或残疾等原因而受到歧视。
- A person's sexual preference: For example, discrimination against someone because of their homosexuality, or assumed homosexuality, and therefore the assumption that they may have HIV infection or AIDS. 性别。例如,由于某个人是同性恋,或被认为是同性恋,从而认为此人携带HIV。
- It is extreme right or wrong that causes humans to lash out between races or gender or sexual preference rather than unconditionally accepting all others in their particular karmic dance. 是极度正确和错误导致了人们在种族、性别、性偏好间猛烈抨击,而不是在特定的业力之舞中无条件接受所有人。
- Dragon Dance is the ninth son, we will have is a sexual preference Quartet Choi placed Dance to the attention of the first to the door or window, it convenient to eat from the Quartet Choi to you. 貔貅是龙的第九个儿子,是一种瑞兽,性喜食四方财,摆放貔貅要注意,头应向门或窗,方便它从四方吃财给你。
- Eric Vilain, professor of human genetics at University of California Los Angeles, "then is it just limited to sexual preference or are there other regions that are gender atypical in gay males? 男同性恋的大脑中有没有其他异常的脑域?
- The possibility of altering sexual preference pharmacologically is worrying.We cannot rule out a future regression to the twentiethcentury idea that sexual behaviour should be regulated by society. 通过药物干扰性偏好的可能性让人担忧,而20世纪性行为被社会环境调解的论点也可能卷土重来。
- Sexual preferences, partners, and preferred foreplay are all part of achieving an orgasm. 性取向、性伴侣以及优选的性交前戏是达到性高潮的全部。
- Other or unspecified disorders of sexual preference 其他或待分类的性偏好障碍
- Prior studies hinted that Drosophila's sexual preferences were genetically fixed, but the precise brain circuitry involved remained unclear. 由先前的研究看来,果蝇的性倾向应该是由遗传确定的,但实际的脑部运作途径还不清楚。
- Do you prefer to have rice or buns? 你愿意吃饭还是吃馒头。
- I can give you a round neckline if you prefer. 如果您喜欢我可以给您开个圆领口。
- Do you think sexual act outside marriage is wrong? 你认为婚外性行为是不对的吗?
- Her preference in foods is omelets. 她喜爱的食物是煎蛋卷。