- Sea Transport Regulations 海运规则
- Sometimes sea transport is a problem for us. 有时海运对我们来说是件麻烦事。
- Planning of land, air and sea transport operations. 地面、空中与海洋运输运营的规划。
- Sometimes sea transport is troublesome to us. 有时海运对我们来说麻烦。
- Hydraulic oil is not included in the scope of supply due to transport regulations, and has to be purchased by the client. 由于运输方面的规定,液压油不在供货范围内,由客户自行购买。
- Our CIF( Cost, Insurance& Freight) prices are understood to be for sea transport to Osaka. 本公司cif(运费、险费在内)价格,是指海运到大阪的价格。
- This great development of air and sea transport has largely conquered the size of the Pacific. 海上和空中运输的巨大发展,已使太平洋显得远不像往日那么广阔无垠了。
- Now, Panyu District, land and sea transport facilities, passenger and freight transport developed. 现在,番禺区水陆交通便利,客货运输发达。
- Being main branch of international aviation transport private law system, international treaties among Warsaw System are widely accepted aviation transport regulations besides Chicago Treaty System. 华沙体制国际航空公约是芝加哥公约体制之外另一套为世界各国普遍接受的航空运输规则,构成了国际航空运输的私法规则的主干。
- We can serve you with a broad range of coverage one more timest all kinks of risks for sea transport. 我自己搞没去外国疑问承保海洋运输的所有险别。
- We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinks of risks for sea transport. 我公司可以承保海洋运输的所有险别。
- Abstract: As a world-renowned Seaport and an international sea transport centre, Hong Kong has a large workforce of Seamen. 香港是世界著名的海港城市、国际海运中心,而香港海员是一支人数众多的工人阶级队伍。
- We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinds of risks for sea transport such as FPA WPA All Risks and Extraneous Risks. 我方可以承保海洋运输的所有险哵,如:平安险、水渍险、一切险和外来险。
- Currently shippers have two choices for transoceanic freight: relatively fast but expensive air freight or relatively slow but inexpensive sea transport. 目前洲际间的运输有两种选择: 一是快速但是昂贵的的空中运输或是慢但是便宜的海上运输。
- With the rapid development in containerize sea transport, the NVOCC (Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) legal system separates from freight forwarding industry. 随着我国集装箱运输的发展,无船承运业务也从货运代理业务中分离出来。
- The commemorative stamps and envelopes were officially issued for a commemoration that the mainland and Taiwan started direct air and sea transport and postal services. 纪念海峡两岸空中直航、海上直航、直接通邮的纪念邮票和信封正式发行。
- The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海浪对海岸侵蚀得厉害。
- Dubai port is located in the eastern part of the Persian Gulf, the Arabian peninsula, the southern coast guard to enter the Indian Ocean sea transport hub. 阿联酋的迪拜港位于阿拉伯半岛东部波斯湾南岸,扼守进入印度洋的海上交通要冲。
- the maritime transportation regulations 海运条例
- Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea transportation. 因为铁路运输费用高,我们愿意走海运。