- Ryobu Shinto [宗](13世纪盛行于日本融佛教与神道教为一体的)两部(调合)神道
- Shinto gods, or kami, are worshipped at shrines . 道教神,或叫纸神,在神祠被敬拜。
- Shinto is the natural indigenous religion of Japan. 日本之神道教是日本本土的自然教。
- JAPAN. Tokyo. Meiji Temple. Shinto priests. 1951. 1951年,日本东京,明治寺的神道教僧侣。
- Shinto shrines or Shinto temples? >>英文佛教>>五明研究>>佛教...
- Last year four ministers visited the Shinto shrine on August 15. 去年四名部长在8月15日前往神道教神社。
- Gradually Shinto practice extended to the worship of ancestors. 日本之神道教后来慢慢地发展为祭奠祖先。
- How about make hong kong the port of shipment Instead of shinto ? 把装货港由汕头改为香港怎么样?
- State Shinto became the spiritual support of the militarism. “国家神道”成为军国主义的精神支柱;
- An existing Shinto memorial monument, a monument or BU. 墓前现有神道碑一块,卜有碑跌。
- Huanglong leading to the hole in the Wudang Jinding on ancient Shinto. 黄龙洞位于通往武当金顶的古神道上。
- Barbara and I went to see this outdoor sumo match at a Shinto Shrine in Tokyo. 今天芭芭拉和我来到了东京神社观赏户外相扑比赛。
- Fragrance sales, "it is less division kings weeks Shinto monument" nine words. 篆额“周故少师王公神道碑”九字。
- She is the central figure in the Shinto pantheon and the Japanese Imperial family claims descent from her. 天照在日本神道教众神中居于核心地位,日本帝国统治家族都宣称他们是女神的后裔。
- The main content of the Japanese culture include Shinto thought, Shame culture, group culture and insand culture. 日本文化的主要内容有:神道思想、耻感文化、集团文化、岛国文化;
- Amaterasu is the Japanese Shinto sun goddess, ruler of the Plain of Heaven, whose name means "shining heaven". 天照是日本神道教中的太阳女神,她统治着天字,她名字的含义就是“金光闪闪的天宇”。
- I wish to point out that all order accept by us is shipped from shinto or hang - up. hong kong is out of the question. 我想说明一下,我们接受的所有订货都是从汕头或黄浦装货,香港不行。
- Considering It 's close to our end - user , we 'd like to appoint shinto as the unloading port . 考虑到离用户较近,我们想指定汕头为卸货港。
- But also at this time, people will find a striking red tile hidden in the bush, which is built in the Wudang Shinto Chaotian Palace. 但也就在这时,人们会发现一片醒目的红墙碧瓦隐在树丛中,这就是建在武当神道上的朝天宫。
- Of this 30 per cent of believers, 75 per cent considered themselves Buddhist and 19 per cent considered themselves Shinto. 在这30%25的宗教信徒当中,又有75%25的人认为自己是佛教徒,19%25的人认为自己是神道教信徒。