- 九龙湾德福广场二期328号铺 Tic Tac Time Co Ltd Telford Branch Shop 328, Telford Plaza II, Kowloon Bay
- 328例残胃临床、内镜及病理分析 The Clinical Endoscopic and Pathologic Analysis of 328 Cases with Remain Stomach
- 粉螨的孳生密度11·58~328·83只/g。 The densi ty of acaroid mites breeding in traditional Chinese medicinal materials were fro m 11.58/g to 328.83/g.
- 328例患者中AR发生率为4.9%,ASR发生率为27.4%。 Of 328 patients, 4.9%25 were AR, 27.4%25 were ASR.
- 在贝叶斯网络推论中探寻因果独立性〉《人工智能学报》5:301?328. Zhang, N. and Poole, D. (1996). Exploiting causal independence in Bayesian network inference. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 5: 301?328.
- 本次调查的绝经后骨质疏松症患者生存质量总评分为70.328±14.130分。 In this survey, quality of life of osteoporosis patients get a total score of (70. 328+ 14. 130).
- 广播电视界的行贿受贿〉,《法与经济学期刊》1979年10月第22期2号269-328页. Coase, Ronald. "Payola in Radio and Television Broadcasting." The Journal of Law and Economics, v. 22, no. 2, October 1979, 269-328.
- 年内,共有367名消防学员顺利完成了初级训练,包括39名消防队长和328名消防员。 Altogether 367 recruits,comprising 39 Station Officers and 328 firemen,successfully completed initial training during the year.
- 平面领域,夏普和眩光免费光学性,舒适性,高建设质量保征我,每次我是否出了328案件,并去翻. Its flat field, sharp and glare-free optics, comfortability, and high build quality keep impressing me each time I take it out of the EP case and look through it.
- 一九九九年,劳资审裁处共聆讯雇员申诉个案10996宗,以及雇主提出的个案328宗,判定的赔偿总额逾6.19亿元。 In 1999,the tribunal heard 10 996 cases involving employees as claimants and a further 328 cases initiated by employers. The presiding officers awarded more than %24619 million.
- 一九九九年,劳资审裁处共聆讯雇员申索个案10996宗,以及雇主提出的个案328宗,判定的赔偿总额逾6.19亿元。 In 1999, the tribunal heard 10 996 cases involving employees as claimants and a further 328 cases initiated by employers. The presiding officers awarded more than %24619 million.
- 研究结果提示,GnRH-R属于G蛋白偶联受体家族,由包含7次跨膜结构域的单一多肽链构成,编码327或328位氨基酸。 GnRH-R belongs to the G protein coupled receptor family, and it is consisted of a polypeptide chain containing 7 transmembrane domains. The GnRH-R encodes 327/328 amino acids.
- 328例患者中恢复良好187例(57.01%),中残23例(7.01%),重残10例(3.05%),植物生存状态5例(1.52%),死亡103例(31.40%)。 In the 328 patients,187 patients (57.01%25) were goob-recovery,23 patients(7.01%25) were moderate-deficit, 10 patients (3.05%25)were severe-deficit, 5 patients (1.52%25) were persistent vegetative status,and 103 patients (31.40%25)died. Conclusion when we deal with the serious head injure,we should examine every part of the dody.
- 328例EH患者(来自大连医科大学附属二院心血管门诊),571例健康人(来自大连医科大学附属二院门诊体检者)为正常对照。 328 EH patients (enrolled the department of cardiology, the second affiliated hospital of Dalian medical university) are EH group, with 571 healthy people as control group.
- 我厂地处扬州地区,位于扬州市与泰州市南中段交界处,占地面积7000多平方米.南靠宁通公路,北近328国道,交通十分便利。 Our factorY lies in the Yangzhou CitY,workshop-area more 7000centiare.nearby nintong road and 328 national road,transPort is convenient.
- 纽约西部的一个城市,位于加拿大边界上伊利湖的最东岸。是一个主要的大湖区进湖港和主要的制造业及制粉业中心。人口328,123。 A city of western New York at the eastern end of Lake Erie on the Canadian border. It is a major Great Lakes port of entry and an important manufacturing and milling center. Population,328,123.
- 方法脊柱裂是一种先天性疾病,本文总结了2000年9月~2006年7月收治的328例先天性脊柱裂患者的显微手术情况,年龄1d~3岁,平均3个月。 Methods This study was conducted to analyse the microsurgical treatment of congenital spina bifida. 328 patients with spina bifida who were 1 d to 3 years old (average 3 months) and required surgery during September of 2000 to July of 2006 were included in this study.
- 摘要通过对甘肃中西部地区豆科植物共生固氮资源多样性的调查,共获得豆科植物根瘤样品452份,涉及18个属,30个种,分离得到328株根瘤菌。 452 rhizobium samples were collected from 18 genera and 30 species of legumes according to the investigation in the middle and western areas of Gansu Province, and 328 rhizobium strains were isolated.
- 多因素偏相关分析显示血清C反应蛋白水平和左室射血分数呈显著负相关(r=-0.475,P<0.01),与左室内径呈显著正相关(r=0.328,P=0.014)。 Multivariate partial correlation analysis showed that serum level of C reactive protein was significantly and negatively correlated with the left ventricular ejection fraction (r=- 0.475,< 0.01),but had significant positive correlation with left ventricular bore(r=0.328,P =0.014).
- 5戴毅敏,陈新梅,毛天球,等.基因重组人骨形态蛋白-2和牛骨形态蛋白异位诱导成骨的比较.实用口腔医学杂志,2002,18(4):326-328. 4 Wang EA, Rosen VD, Alessandro JS, et al.Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein induces bone formation.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1990, 87:2220.