- Rodrigues Ratinho 拉丁霍,巴西足球运动员
- We want them to repeat the measure," said Rodrigues. 我们希望政府能再次颁布这样的措施",罗觉果斯说。
- "He was surprised when realized he was being seen by cameras connected to the Internet," Rodrigues said. 罗德里格斯说,当盗贼知道他曾被连入因特网的摄像头监视时,大吃一惊。
- Rodrigues said the government prefers approving GMO use, with support for the idea in Congress. 罗觉果斯说,政府在国会中支持这一提议,并希望转基因生物的使用获得批准。
- L. Quintino, P. Vilaca, R. Rodrigues, L. Bordalo,“Laser Beam Welding of Automobile Hinges”,Welding Journal,2001. 陈冠宏著,世界级之汽车外壳构件制造技术-雷射焊接钢板,机械月刊23卷8期,民国86年8月。
- "Refusing to listen to her husband's protestations of innocence, Mrs Rodrigues filed for divorce. 玛丽亚并没有听丈夫的解释,马上提出离婚。
- This will put extreme pressure on Brazil’s creaking transport and warehousing systems, Rodrigues admitted. 罗觉果斯坦言,这样的产量将给巴西本已不堪重负的交通系统和仓储系统带来极大压力。
- Rodrigues said federal officials were controlling state borders, although traders said any controls were minimal. 罗觉果斯说,联邦官员正在控制州与州的交界处,不过交易商们说控制程度非常低。
- "She told us the details about the thief and where in the house he was as we surrounded the house," police officer Americo Rodrigues told Reuters. 警官亚美加·罗德里格斯告诉路透社:“她向我们描述了窃贼的详细信息,并且在我们包围房子时,还告诉了我们他的具体位置。”
- When the police entered, he had a pile of goods such as the stereo system in the kitchen ready to be taken away, Rodrigues said. 当警察赶到的时候,他正带着诸如立体音响等物品,准备溜之大吉。
- Reuters notes that Rodrigues oversaw record Brazilian farm exports since taking the helm of the Agriculture Ministry in early 2003. 路透社说,自2003年初上任以来,罗德里格斯始终在努力确保巴西农产品出口量处于纪录水平。
- "It would be better to have regulations allowing GMOs as there is no way the farmers are going to turn their back on them," said Rodrigues. 目前农场主们已开始对政府产生抵触情绪。在别无选择的情况下,条例最好还是允许使用转基因大豆",罗觉果斯说。
- If they free it, it is freed,” said Rodrigues, while admitting a fair amount of regulating would have to take place first. 如果转基因生物得到立法部门的获准,那么问题就解决了”,罗觉果说,不过他也承认,首先要对很多方面进行规范。
- But, even after the court ruling, Mrs Rodrigues says she is not sure about getting back together with her former husband. 声明:版权所有,未经协议授权不得转载或镜像,否则依法追究法律责任!
- For the latter,the Modified Rodrigues Parameters(MRPs) are used to describe the attitude,thus the design procedure is simplified,and the kinematics singularities are avoided. 后者采用改进的罗得里格斯参数(MRPs)描述姿态,简化了控制器设计过程并避免了运动学奇异。
- The first control law was formed by the Rodrigues parameters or the modified Rodrigues parameters and thegeneralized velocity using the feedback nonlinearization approach. 用Rodrigues参数或修正的 Rodrigues参数与广义速度通过反馈线性化方法构造了一种渐近稳定的状态反馈控制律。
- Mrs Rodrigues told Jornal Nacional: "They told me I wasn't my husband's wife and even showed me on the computer screen the name of another woman who would be his real wife. 玛丽亚并没有听丈夫的解释,马上提出离婚。如今,在法院判决银行出错并应赔偿客户损失后,玛丽亚说,她不知道该不该和前夫复合,拿到赔偿金当然是好,但钱并不能挽回失败的婚姻。
- Rodrigues UM,Kroll RG..Rapid selective enumeration of bacteria in food using a microcolony epifluorescence microscopy technique[J].Aappl Bacteriol 1998,64:65. 许欣;裴晓方;赵亮;等.;微菌落技术快速定量测定矿泉水中细菌总数的初步研究[J]
- Christopher Rodrigues, the company's executive chairman, calls I.P.F. the Avon of the financial services industry, a reference to the global direct seller of beauty products. 克里斯多福.罗德里格斯是I.;P
- Tanzania and the Seychelles look like falling out over an area near Aldabra, and Mauritius has claimed an area round Rodrigues island that includes the Chagos archipelago. 坦桑尼亚和塞舌尔看起来为一处靠近阿尔达布拉群岛的地区闹翻了。