- These cruise ships can turn round in two days. 这些游船可用两天的时间装卸完毕。
- The cruise ship is strikebound in the dock. 巡洋舰因罢工而停泊在码头上。
- Several privateer often cruise near the entrance of the channel. 几只武装民船经常在这个海峡的进口附近巡航。
- The liner is making a round-the-world cruise. 客轮正在做环球航行。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。
- I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents. 我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测。
- Suppose I reserve seats in advance. 我先去定好座位吧。
- Reserve double room June fourth to tenth inclusive. 预订双人房间,六月四日至十日,共六晚,望订妥复电。
- The area has been designated as natural reserve. 该地区已被指定为一个自然保护区。
- The coastguard cutter cruise along the coast look for smuggler. 海岸警卫队缉私艇沿海巡逻搜寻走私犯。
- I reserve a table to a restaurant. 我向餐厅订一桌席位。
- It was a bit choppy on the cruise but I was all right once I found my sea legs. 在航游中有点风浪,但一旦我习惯于坐船旅行我就没什么问题了。
- A few drinks broke through his reserve. 他喝了点酒之後那矜持态度消失了。
- We will reserve the money; we may need it later. 我们将把这笔钱存起来,也许以后用得着。
- You will find a little stack of candles in reserve. 你会发现一小堆备用蜡烛。
- She told me all about it without reserve. 她毫不保留地告诉我有关这件事的一切。
- They refused to have cruise missiles sited on their soil. 他们拒绝在他们国土上设置巡航导弹。
- Would you reserve a single for me? 请给我预订一间单人房好吗?
- The court will reserve judgement. 法庭将延期判决。
- We go flotilla cruise in the aegean. 我们随小船队漫游了爱琴海。