- 126 Cases of Cholelithiasis of Qi and Yin Deficiency Pattern Treated by the Method to 益气柔肝法治疗气阴不足型胆石病126例
- The 1123 cases were differentiated into spleen kidney qi deficiency, spleen kidney yang deficiency, liver kidney yin deficiency and qi yin deficiency; 辨证论治组分为脾肾气虚、脾肾阳虚、肝肾阴虚、气阴两虚4型治疗,活血化瘀组以“肾病化瘀汤”治疗。
- Among it, qi deficiency is the most severest, next is deficiency of yang-qi and the incidence of yin deficiency is low. 随着病情的发展,荷瘤小鼠虚证兼证的比例增加,无证可辨和单证的数量下降,复合证组合显著增加。
- It was fundamental that deficiency of qi and yin,hepatic and renal yin deficiency to get sick,aggregation of blood stasis and poison caused blood vessel complication of DM. 其中气阴两虚,肝肾阴虚为其发病的根本,而瘀毒聚集又导致糖尿病血管并发症的发生。
- Conclusion:The phagcytic function of PMN and the ratio of CD8 decreased significantly in Yang and Qi deficiency,and deffered from that in Yin deficiency. 结论:阳虚证、气虚证PMN吞噬功能、CD8亚群比值明显降低,与阴虚证存在显著差别。
- Result:The values of chemiluminescence of the PMN and the ratio of the CD8 decreased significantly in those with Yang and Qi deficiency,while didn"t in Yin deficiency. 阳虚证、气虚证病人CD8亚群明显降低,阴虚证没有明显变化。
- Paint film is corrugate: Because the first Qi Wei does those who rise to brush Qi Yin the 2nd times namely,be normally. 漆膜起皱:通常是因第一遍漆未干即刷第二遍漆引起的。
- Syndrome of both Qi and Yin deficiency /TCM therapy 气阴两虚/中医药疗法
- spleen-kidney yang(qi) deficiency pattern 脾肾阳虚证
- Yin deficiency of liver and kidney, blood stasis of collaterals are the main syndrom types of TCM. 中医辨证以肝肾不足,瘀血阻络多见,中西医结合治疗有一定的近期疗效。
- Conclusion: Reduce Blood Fat and Deject Capsule has pretty good clinical therapeutic effect on hyperlipemia of Yin deficiency and blood stasis. 结论:降脂通便胶囊治疗阴虚血淤型高脂血症有较好的临床疗效。
- Objective: To study distribution rule of HBV gene mutation sites in chronical hepatitis B with Yin deficiency of liver and kidney syndrome. 摘要目的:研究慢性乙型肝炎肝肾阴虚证HBV基因突变点的分布规律。
- Other 50 cases of typical kidney and liver Yin deficiency, flaming-up of asthenic fire, the use of Sangbaipi Decoction treatment. 选50例典型肝肾阴虚、虚火上炎型患者,使用桑白皮汤加减治疗。
- OBJECTIVE To explore into the relationship between the pathogenesis and the psychological factors for climacteric syndrome with yin deficiency. 目的探讨围绝经期综合征阴虚型患者发病与心理因素的关系。
- The study of prepared Radix Rehmanniae should be performede on the model with hyperfuction of GABA system and yin deficiency. 研究熟地黄抗焦虑作用机制宜在符合中医阴虚证候,GABA系统功能低下的焦虑动物模型上进行。
- If the patient have a higher point value of hyperactivity of yang due to yin deficiency syndrome,the disease would have a better prognosis. 通过对不同预后的患者证候演变的描述性分析,提出证候的动态演变在一定程度上反映预后,证候的动态演变可以作为疾病的预后因素进行研究。
- Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect on hyperlipemia of Yin deficiency and blood stasis treated with Reduce Blood Fat and Deject Capsule. 目的:观察降脂通便胶囊治疗阴虚血淤型高脂血症的临床疗效。
- Effective rate of treatment: The decoction and granule of Shenling baishu san were similar in treating anorexia of spleen yin deficiency type (89.50%, 90.90%, P > 0.05). 治疗有效率:参苓白术散单味颗粒剂与汤剂治疗脾阴虚型厌食症基本相似[89.;50%25;90
- In the past decades, many scholars have studied syndrome of kidney yin deficiency throughly in corpuscular and molecular levels, and have obtained some achievements. 几十年来,不少学者从细胞、分子等水平上对肾阴虚证本质做了深入地研究,并已取得了一定的成果,某些方面已形成了共识。
- This paper takes the syndrome cure from hot and dry Yin injury, Yin deficiency of liver and kidney, weakness of spleen and stomach, and stasis of blood. 本文从燥热伤阴、肝肾阴虚、脾胃虚弱、瘀血阻络方面来辨证论治。