- Protect Public Propety 爱护公共财物
- The chemical additives still exceed guidelines set to protect public health. 化学添加剂仍然超过了为保护公众健康而确定的标准。
- Love the collective, protect public property and do not do anything harmful to the collective and others. 热爱集体,爱护公物,不做对集体和别人有害的事。
- To protect public health, all wireless products sold and used in HK must comply with international safety standards. 爲了确保公众健康,所有于香港销售和使用的无线产品必须符合国际安全标准。
- This is but one example of the kind of action taken by the Government to help protect public health. 政府致力保障公众健康,上述措施只是其中一个例子。
- Protect public property. Do not scribble on the pages of Books or tear them out. 爱护公共财物,不准在图书上乱涂乱画。不得撕毁书页。
- The legislative framework has been improved to fight terrorism and protect public safety. 政府改善了立法体制来对抗恐怖主义,保障公共安全。
- We agree that the TRIPS Agreement,does not and should not prevent Members from taking measures to protect public health. 我们同意《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》,不会也不应当阻止成员采取措施保护公众健康。
- We agree that the TRIPS Agreement does not and should not prevent Members from taking measures to protect public health. 我们同意《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》不会也不应当阻止成员采取措施保护公众健康。
- Through strengthening ADR monitoring, quality of reports and ability of evaluation need to be improved to protect public health. 切实加强药品不良反应监测工作,提高报告质量和分析评价能力,为维护公众健康服务。
- Such imports are channelled through state-run distributors, which China argues is necessary to protect public decency and culture. 这项裁决将使中国国营发行公司面临巨大挑战,中方称其对公共道德和文化的保护很有必要。
- Such imports are channelled through state-run distributors, which China argues is necesary to protect public decency and culture. 这些进口只能通过中国国有经销商的渠道进入中国,对此,中国政府称为保护公共道德和文化,此举必不可少。
- To enhance water quality and protect public health, the Government plans to invest about$20 billion in new sewerage and sewage treatment facilities in the next ten years. 在未来10年,政府将投放约200亿元在新的污水收集及处理项目上,以改善水质及保障公共卫生。
- To better protect public interests in the increasingly complex and volatile financial markets, institutionalised investor education is of prime importance. 金融市场日益复杂及息万变。要更佳的保障投资者的利益,教育至为重要。
- Section 48 of the DDA provides that it is not unlawful to take measures in relation to infectious diseases which are reasonably necessary to protect public health. 《能力缺陷歧视法案〉48条规定:对于传染病采取合理的、必要的措施以保护公众健康是合法的。
- To enhance water quality and protect public health, the Government plans to invest about $20 billion in new sewerage and sewage treatment facilities in the next ten years. 在未来10年,政府将投放约200亿元在新的污水收集及处理项目上,以改善水质及保障公共卫生。
- This act was intended to protect public water supply systems and to ensure that they supply potable water free from biological, chemical, and physical contamination. 这部法令意图保护公共用水供应系统,以确保它们提供无生物化学和物理污染的可应用水。
- To protect public interests, a new kind of litigation called public interest litigation becomes common practices in countries that are ruled by advanced legal system. 摘要法治发达国家普遍建立了公益诉讼以保护社会公共利益,公益诉讼已经成为现代社会的新型诉讼形态。
- Seen as a duty to protect public morality, the Chinese authorities have launched a campaign to ban the unhealthy, vulgar and pornographic content on the internet. 中国有关当局已经展开行动整治禁止网路上流传不健康、粗俗、色情的内容,并将此视为维护公众道德的一项任务。
- Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council said the law protected public health and they would follow up any reports of the smoking ban being broken. 汤布里奇与莫林区议会表示,禁菸法令是为了保护公众健康,他们也会追踪调查任何违反禁令的报告。