- The type selection, maintenance, and versatility of parts and assemblies of auxiliary machinery in primary processing line updating were discussed with practical examples. 结合实例,讨论了制丝设备改造中辅机设备的合理选型、设备维护、零部件的通用化等问题。
- Flexible tobacco primary processing line 柔性制丝生产线
- Improvement of Dust-removal System in Primary Processing Line 制丝线除尘系统的改进
- Improvement of Cut Stem Pneumatic Conveying System in Primary Processing Line 制丝线梗丝风送系统改造
- Application Experiments of FX In-site Pneumatic Classifier in Primary Processing Line FX型就地风选器在制丝线上的应用试验
- Our bean curd processing line is the most advanced and well- know in the world. 我们的豆腐生产线是世界上最为先进的,久负盛名。
- Conception of Applying Distributed Intelligence to Automatic System in Tobacco Primary Processing Line 基于分布式智能设计的烟草制丝线自动化系统
- Problems Need to be Attended to in Improvement of Auxiliary Machinery in Primary Processing Line 制丝设备辅机改造中需注意的几个问题
- Development and Application of Equipment Status Monitoring System in Primary Processing Line 制丝线设备状态监测系统的开发与应用
- Integration of Online Equipment Monitoring System and Automatic System in Primary Processing Line 在线设备状态监测系统与制丝线自动化系统的集成应用
- Invalid Data Elimination of On-line Moisture Content Testing in Primary Processing Line 制丝线含水率在线检测无效数据的剔除
- Experimental study on fire behaviors of combustible materials in primary processing line of cigarette 卷烟制丝工艺主要可燃物火灾特性实验研究
- Improvement of Cut Tobacco Storing and Pneumatic Conveying Systems in Primary Processing Line 制丝线烟丝贮存与送配置的改造
- Prawn processing line of Zhanjiang Runhai Food Co., Ltd. 湛江润海食品有限公司对虾加工生产线。
- Want to pay for them with your textile processing line. 我方想用你们的纺织品生产线偿付。
- We design and build high quality metal coil processing line. 我们的设计及建造高品质的金属线圈加工生产线。
- tobacco primary processing line 制丝线
- HT is one of principle equipment on tobacco process line. 摘要HT(隧道式回潮机)是烟草制丝线上主要设备之一。
- Also read the primary process behind the killing, which cast a disk. 后面进程中又看错了初级对杀;中盘投了.
- Primary processing line 制丝线