- Press ang key when ready. 准备好后按任意键重新启动机器。
- Insert souse diskette in drive A: Press any key when ready? 你就要用源盘换出目的盘? 这样反复几次,拷贝工作才能完成。
- Ready for EC/KBC update.Pleace the EC/KBC update diskte n the drive,and press any key when ready to proceed. 有时候开机没有上面显示,能顺利进入系统,但半小时后,键盘就会乱串了,关机后又会出现上面的字
- Place the EC/KBC update diskette in the drive, and press any key when ready to proceed. 上个星期一,买了半年的二手笔记本突然不能启动了,提示文字如下: Ready for EC/KBC update.
- Download speed is 115200 bps. Change the terminal's speed to 115200 bps, and select XModem protocol. Press ENTER key when ready. 第六步:根据上面提示,改变配置终端设置的波特率如下图,使其与所选的软件下载波特率一致。
- Download speed is 115200 bps. Change the terminal's speed to 115200bps, and select XMODEM protocol. Press ENTER key when ready. 如果超级终端使用9600,选择1的话,下载时间在10-15分钟之间;如果想快点的话,使用5,系统会继续出现如下提示:
- Download eed is 38400 .Please change the terminal's eed to 38400 , and select XMODEM protocol.Pre ENTER key when ready. 此时进入超级终端“属性”,修改波特率为38400,修改后应断开超级终端的连接,再进入连接状态,以使新属性起效,之后屏幕提示:
- Download speed is 38400 bps.Please change the terminals speed to 38400 bps and select XMODEM protocol.Press ENTER key when ready. 此时进入超级终端“属性”,修改波特率为38400,修改后应断开超级终端的连接,再进入连接状态,以使新属性起效,之后屏幕提示:
- Download speed is 38400 bps.Please change the terminal's speed to 38400 bps, and select XMODEM protocol.Press ENTER key when ready. 此时进入超级终端“属性”,修改波特率为38400,修改后应断开超级终端的连接,再进入连接状态,以使新属性起效,之后屏幕提示:
- Insert disk with COMMAND. COM in drive A and strike any key when ready Simply place a disk containing the command processor in the specified drive and strike any key. (将含有COMMAND.;COM的磁盘插入驱动器A中)(并且准备就绪时按任意一键)
- Inser DOS diskette in drive A: press any key when ready 然后按任意键
- Insert diskette for drive and press any key when ready 插入磁盘到驱动器中后按任意键
- Insert target disk in drive A press any key when ready 把目标盘插在驱动器A,准备好后按下任一键
- Drive Not Ready Error, Insert Boot Diskette In A:, Press Any Key When Ready 硬盘没有准备好,请插入启动盘到驱动器,准备好后按任意键。
- System disk or disk error, Replace and strike any key when ready 说明硬盘不能启动,用软盘启动后,在
- Insert backup disk xx in drive x, strike any key when ready 备份盘插入驱动器,准备好后按任意键
- Insert disk with batch file and strick any key when ready 插入批文件盘,准备好后按任一键
- INsert boot diskette in drive A: Press spacebar when ready. 请你把驱动盘插入软驱,准备好了之后,按空格键继续。
- Insert restore target xx in drive yy, strike any key when ready 在驱动器然后按任意键
- Not-system disk or disk error replace and strike a key when ready 非系统磁盘或磁错误,更换一张盘后,键入任意键