- Preliminary research of bryophytes in Mount Tai. 泰山苔藓植物的初步研究.
- Preliminary research on RF structure of sheet beam klystron[J]. 引用该论文 阮望;张瑞;王勇;丁耀根;阮存军.
- Our preliminary research only covered existing users of our products. 我们的初步调研只是在产品现有的用户中进行。
- Preliminary research on structural law of coal bed beneath nappe in No. 对新集二矿推覆体下煤层构造规律进行了初步研究。
- As part of your preliminary research ,find out if your employer provides full or partial tuition remission. 不过,你事先要作一些调查:弄清楚你的雇主是否会承担你的全部或部分的学费。
- As part of your preliminary research,find out if your employer provides full or partial tuition remission. 不过,你事先要作一些调查:弄清楚你的雇主是否会承担你的全部或部分的学费。
- Preliminary Research on in vitro Culture of Cotyledon from Yellow-seeded Brassica napus L. 甘蓝型黄籽油菜子叶离体培养初报。
- A preliminary research on the biomass and production of Metasequoia glyptostroboides in north plain of Zhejiang Province is presented here. 本文对浙江省北部平原水杉人工林的生物量和生产力进行了测定和研究。
- NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - That morning cup of coffee may be an antidote to post-exercise muscle soreness, if preliminary research is correct. 纽约路透通健康消息---如果预初研究是正确的,那么早晨一杯咖啡可以缓解运动后肌痛。
- This is a good moment to interject a word of caution: this is preliminary research. 利用这个机会提出一句忠告:这仅是初步研究。
- This article has made the preliminary research to the controlling technique of gray balance with UV ink in flexography. 本文主要对柔性版印刷过程中用UV柔印油墨印刷时的灰平衡控制方法作了初步的探索。
- Preliminary research on fatigue growth behavior of the steel 980 welded joint under spectrum loading had been done. 对980钢焊接接头在谱载荷作用下的疲劳裂纹扩展行为进行了初步研究。
- In view of this, this papers aims to carry on preliminary research to the balanced- scorecard. 鉴于此,本文拟对平衡记分卡在上市银行中的构建与应用问题进行初步的研究。
- Preliminary research about emulsification of chlorinated polypropylene(CPP) was carried out. 对氯化聚丙烯的乳化作了初步探索。
- Preliminary Research on Selection and Training of Taiwanese Expatriate Managers Assigned to Mainland China: The Application of CIT. 台商派驻大陆人员跨文化训练模式初探:重要事例法与社会学习理论之应用。
- Preliminary research indicates that hookah smoking poses many of the same dangers as cigarettes and may involve "some unique health risks. 初步调查显示,用水烟筒吸烟会引起很多与香烟相同的危害并且会引起“一些独有的健康问题”。
- Preliminary research indicates that hookah smoking poses many of the same dangers as cigarettes and may involve “some unique health risks. 初步调查显示,用水烟筒吸烟会引起很多与香烟相同的危害并且会引起“一些独有的健康问题”。
- The present study is only a preliminary research ou the effects of LDD and its compositions on the metabolism of sugar in the body. 对六味地黄汤对糖代谢的影响及其配伍机理进行了初步的探讨。
- A preliminary research was carried out for the medium concentration and low pollution OHQP bleaching process of hemp core kraft pulp. 对大麻芯秆硫酸盐浆OHQP中浓少污染漂白工艺进行了初步研究。