- Political Elite of Nationality 民族政治精英
- The intellectual elite of a society. 知识分子社会中知识者的精英
- They are the elite of the society. 他们是社会知名人士。
- The country was governed by a small elite of military officers. 这个国家由少数精英军人统治。
- I am recruiting the “Elite of IT & Search in China”. 我是”我思考搜索”-熊猫安全中国在线业务总监.
- One hard copy of nationality certification. 国籍证明文件影本。
- The Psychology of Nationality and Internationalism. 民族心理学与国际主义
- Such images define their sense of nationality. 这种形象塑造了他们的民族意识。
- In political field,economic and political elite influence and infiltrate into each other. 在政治领域 ,经济精英与政治精英相互影响 ,相互渗透。
- You can enjoy statutory protection as a persecuted underclass, or as a superior economic and political elite. 不论是作为受迫害的下层阶级,或是显贵的政商精英,你都同样享有法律保护。
- Air force is an important component of national defense. 空军是国防的重要组成部分。
- We are governed by a distant political elite,which has lost all contact with the people. 我们是由一个遥远的政治精英们所统治的,失去了与所有的人接触。
- You guys are supposed to be the business elite of this country. 人们总以为你们这些人是我国企业界中出类拨萃的人物。
- Like the president-elect, Emanuel is a Chicago native with a strong connection to the city's political elite. 和候任总统类似,伊曼纽尔是芝加哥本地人,与该市政治精英们有建立了牢固的关系网。
- Personal enmities must be forgotten at a time of national crisis. 民族危机当头,必须捐弃个人恩怨。
- But neither can two great and powerful groups of nation take comfort from our present course. 但是,这两个强大的国家集团都无法从目前所走的道路中得到安慰。
- I am recruiting the “Elite of IT &Search in China”. 我是”我思考搜索”-熊猫安全中国在线业务总监.
- Washington has expressed concerns in the past that unmonitored aid may be diverted to North Koreas military and political elite. 华盛顿过去担心,如果没有监督,援助物资可能会落到北韩军队和政治特权者手中。
- This scheme received the blessing of the League Of Nation Union. 这个计划受到国际联盟协会的赞许。
- Union into the elite of Chinese society, this is a warm sky. 走进中华精英联盟社团,这里是一片温暖的天空。