- A half an hour later, in the distance, coming from the Rond-Point down to the Place de la Concorde, I saw Marguerite's carriage approaching. 半个小时以后,我远远地看到了玛格丽特的车子从圆形广场向协和广场驶来。
- We have no public space as impressive as Beijing's Tiananmen Square or Paris' Place de la Concorde, no ceremonial way as grand as Washington's Pennsylvania Avenue. 在金融区的新办公楼当中找到塞缪尔约翰逊博士(1709-1784)曾经居住过的房子,他在那里编写了第一部有权威的英文字典;
- Those would be unlikely to bear fruit, however, since if Paris satisfied Beijing's claim it would have to return half the objects in the Louvre, not to mention the obelisk in the Place de la Concorde. 然而,这也未必会有结果,因为如果巴黎满足北京的主张,它将不得不归还卢浮宫一半的收藏,更别说协和广场的方尖碑了。
- Champs Elysees at both ends, the obelisk on the Place de la Concorde, star-shaped square of the Arc de Triomphe, on the number of conquest and subjugation, humiliation and the glorious story! 香榭丽舍两端,协和广场上的方尖碑,星形广场上的凯旋门,有多少关于征服与被征服,光荣与屈辱的故事!
- Standing alone in La Place de la Concorde, 独个儿站在和谐广场上,
- Place de la Concorde in Paris 关于法国协和广场
- The first time I had seen her was in the Place de la Bourse, outside Susse's. 我第一次是在交易所广场絮斯商店门口遇到她的。
- The scenic spots often visited by tourists are the Arch of Triumph, the Louvre, Versailles, the Eiffel Tower, and the Palace de la Concorde. 游客们常去的景点有凯旋门、罗浮宫、凡尔赛宫、埃菲尔铁塔和协和广场。
- The first time I had seen her was in the Place de la Bourse,outside Susse's. 我第一次是在交易所广场絮斯商店门口遇到她的。
- Quelle sera la place de la classe de chevalier de la mort dans le jeu ? 预计新的技能和种族具体不知道。最大的买点是死亡骑士的出现。
- Scene Spot the Place de la Nation with the title of plateau pearl and the Park of Erhai Lake. 周边还有高原明珠之称的民族广场与景色宜人的洱海公园。
- During this gruesome year, ordinary townsfolk would gather in the Place de la Revolution fighting for the best view. 在那可怕的一年中,一般镇民会聚集在革命广场,争相抢个好视野。
- Parisians celebrate the Great Revolution of 1789 in the Place de la Bastille on July 14th. 巴黎人庆祝1789年伟大的革命在巴士底广场在7月14日。
- The day ended with street parties. Despite the rain, thousands of Parisians donned 1940s-style clothes and converged on the place de la Bastille and the Luxembourg gardens. 一天的庆典随着最后的街道派对落下帷幕。尽管下着雨,数千名巴黎人穿着40年代样式的衣服,在巴士底狱广场和卢森堡花园举行集会。
- Despite the rain, thousands of Parisians donned 1940s-style clothes and converged on the place de la Bastille and the Luxembourg gardens. 尽管下着雨,数千名巴黎人穿着40年代样式的衣服,在巴士底狱广场和卢森堡花园举行集会。
- The Fontaine des Mers at one of the main public square, Place de la Concorde. At 20 acres, it is the largest square in Paris. 巴黎一个主要的公共广场协和广场上的喷泉。占地20英亩,这是巴黎最大的广场。
- The Champs-Elysees Boulevard divides Paris into two parts: the north half and the south half.It connects la Triomph to the west and Place de Concorde to the east, with a total length of 1880 meters. 网友解答:香谢丽舍大街将巴黎分为南北两半,它西接凯旋门,东连协和广场,全长1880米。
- You look like the Rue de la Paix. 看来你日子过得不错。
- He walked slowly down the Rue de la Roquette. 他顺着罗琪里路慢慢向回走。
- Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de la Dresden Bank, A.G. 德雷斯顿银行卢森堡公司