- Philosophical Thoughts on Research of HPV Therapeutic Vaccine with Early Proteins. 人乳头瘤病毒早期蛋白疫苗研究的哲学思考。
- Jean-Paul Sartre's dramas are the illustration and concretization of his philosophical thoughts. 摘要萨特的戏剧是他哲学思想的图解和具体化。
- To really understand Daisaku Ikeda, one must make a thorough study of his philosophical thoughts. 倘若对池田大作的哲学思想不进行深入的思考和研究,一个真正的“池田像”便难以获得显现;
- FSCPC is entrusted by Mou's Estate to ensure that his philosophical thoughts are faithfully preserved in translation. 本基金会具有维持英译本品质的严肃责任。
- The original relation between education and time has not been talked effectually though there are many philosophical thoughts about education. 摘要在有关教育的各种哲学思考中,对教育与时间的本源关系还鲜有人深入论述过。
- In this paper,the different philosophical thoughts and modes of thinking between Chinese and English are analyzed on the basis of commensuration between languages. 语言的表现形式与其对应的哲学传统、思维模式具有通约性。
- This paper focuses upon the differences of the three philosophical thoughts from the perspectives of their standpoints,the relation of self and collective and the ultimate aim. 本文主要从三家各自的立足基础、群己关系、最终目的来讨论其差别所在。
- Metaphysics has always been the mainstream in western philosophy, serving as its spiritual groundwork and manifest in philosophical thoughts from Pythagoras to Hegel. 形而上学是西方哲学精神的根基,它作为一条主线始终贯穿于从毕达哥拉斯一直到黑格尔的哲学思想中,构成了西方哲学的主流。
- This kind of poem originated and developed on the basis of philosophic thoughts of Taoism, mainly the philosophy of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and the thought of cave paradise. 其兴起与勃兴肇基于以老庄哲学为主体的道教哲学思想和以名山皆仙境的洞天福地思想。
- As a matter of fact, in the process of the development of the philosophical thoughts, the replacement of one paradigm with another never takes the form of overcoming or falsification. 事实上,在哲学思想的展开过程中,一个范式对另一个范式的取代,从来是不以一个理论对另一个理论的克服或证伪的方式来完成的。
- Generally, all the early Qin fables are explanatory notes to their own viewpoints and philosophical thoughts, but they have positive critical significance in terms of satirizing reality. 先秦诸子寓言一般是为给各自观点及哲学思想做佐注,但就其讽刺现实这一客观效果来看是一致的,具有积极的批判意义。
- Logical Atomism is one important aspect of B.Russell's philosophical thoughts since 1899 and early L.Wittgenstein's philosophical thoughts,whose main objective is to seek for certain knowledge. 逻辑原子主义是从1899年开始的罗素哲学思想和维特根斯坦前期哲学思想的一个主要方面。它的主要目的是寻求确定性的知识。
- The main task of sinicizing Marxist philosophy is how to abstract philosophical thoughts from traditional Chinese culture with the guide of basic Marxist theories, viewpoints and methods. 摘要马克思主义哲学中国化的一个重要任务就是用马克思主义哲学的基本理论、观点和方法来梳理、提炼中国传统文化中的哲学思想。
- The main task of sinicizing Marxist philosophy is how to abstract philosophical thoughts from traditional Chinese culture with the guide of basic Marxist theories,viewpoints and methods. 马克思主义哲学中国化的一个重要任务就是用马克思主义哲学的基本理论、观点和方法来梳理、提炼中国传统文化中的哲学思想。
- On second thoughts I think I'd better go now. 我又一想,认为最好是立刻就走。
- philosophical thoughts of K. Marx and F. Engels 马克思恩格斯哲学思想
- Such philosophical subtleties are beyond my reach. 这种深奥的哲理我可无法理解。
- It was that thought which made me ask an unquiet question calmly. 是那个想法使我平静地问了一个令人焦急的问题。
- The Art of War by SUN Wu: Philosophical Thoughts 孙子的军事哲学思想探析
- His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。