- Peruvian Sierra Finch n. 秘鲁岭雀鹀
- Mourning Sierra Finch n. 黑岭雀鹀
- North American finch of marshy area. 生活在北美洲沼泽地区。
- The end of the Sierra Nevada cuts off all rain. 内华达山脉的尾部把雨水全挡住了。
- A basic unit of currency in Sierra Leone. 利昂塞拉利昂的基本货币单位
- We saw a finch light on (or upon ) a bough. 我们看到树枝上停着(或upon)一只麻雀。
- The Sierra Club was unable to meet this standard. 赛拉俱乐部难以满足这一标准。
- Dr. Finch is sort of an unusual shrink. 芬奇医生的确有些与众不同。
- Liberian refugees in Sierra Leon. 利比里亚难民在塞拉利昂。
- We saw a finch light on(or upon)a bough. 我们看到树枝上停著(或一只麻雀。
- Connie : Have you heard from Sam Finch? 康妮:有山姆 &%238226;芬奇的消息吗?
- Road of Flor de Cacao: Oaxaca. the Sierra Madre ... 花香路:瓦哈卡.;母亲山脉
- We saw a finch light on(or Iupon)Ia bough. 我们看到树枝上停著(或一只麻雀。
- What are you doing in Sierra Leone... 你在塞拉利昂干嘛?
- We saw a finch light on/upon a bough. 我们看到树枝上停着一只麻雀。
- Sierra Leone is desperately poor. 塞拉利昂是赤贫国。
- Who? Sam Finch wants me to ski with him. 谁?山姆.;芬奇邀我一块滑雪。
- The outflow boundary has the sierra encirclement. 外缘有山脉环绕。
- The life birth, the sierra forms. 生命出生,山脉形成。
- It's on the corner of Yonge and Finch. 它在央街及芬治路交介。