- At this year's Spring Job Fair it's Olympic organizer, BOCOG's booth that stands out amongst the rest. 在今年春季人才招聘会上筹办本届奥运会的北京奥组委表现格外突出。
- The broadcast upset many Chinese and Olympic organizer, who had asked the audience not to divulge details of the rehearsal. 奥组委此前曾要求参观彩排人员不得泄露细节。
- Bateer Zarb at the press conference, specially has praised to Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and the volunteer. 巴特尔扎布在新闻发布会上,特别对北京奥组委和志愿者赞扬了一番。“北京奥组委的组织工作非常了不起。
- As we bring the Olympic dream to lights, I want to thank the Beijing Olympic organizing committee for its stalest work. 今天我们即将实现奥林匹克之梦,借此机会,我想感谢北京奥组委,感谢他们辛勤的筹备工作。
- Olympic organizers hope the soccer fervor will spill over to the August 13-29 Games. 奥组委希望胜利的激情能感染八月13-29日的奥运会比赛。
- Sun Weide, spokesman for the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, has urged that the Games not be politicized. 北京奥组委发言人孙维德呼吁不要将奥运会政治化。
- Starting from 2005,a section on'Learning the Chinese Language'can be added to the publicity materials the Olympic organizing committee sends overseas. 从2005年起,奥运会组委会寄往国外的宣传材料可刊印一句“学说中文”的内容。
- Zhang Jilong was in February 2006 from the China Football Association to the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee as the Sports Minister. 张吉龙是2006年2月从中国足协调到北京奥组委担任体育部部长的。
- Starting from 2005, a section on "Learning the Chinese Language" can be added to the publicity materials the Olympic organizing committee sends overseas. 从2005年起,奥运会组委会寄往国外的宣传材料可刊印一句“学说中文”的内容。
- At this party, Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee all staff's name trundle presents on the electronic curtain wall which surrounds in the Wukesong basketball hall. 在这场晚会上,北京奥组委所有员工的名字滚动出现在五棵松篮球馆内环绕的电子幕墙上。
- Much of the $100 million given to the community by Olympic organizers is being used to maintain facilities such as the speed skating rink and ski jump platforms. 奥运会组织人员拨给社区的一亿美金中的大部分用来维护速滑溜冰场和滑雪跳台这些设施。
- Officials with the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee as saying, "BOCOG changed his name to race headquarters should be 'command Meteorological Department of race'. 用北京奥组委官员的话说“奥组委竞赛指挥部应该改名叫‘气象指挥竞赛部’”。
- Chinese Olympic organizers abruptly canceled the last leg, as well as a stop at City Hall, where a banner proclaimed, “Paris Defends Human Rights Everywhere in the World. 中方的组织者突然取消了最后一棒的接力,同样,在市政厅的一次交接棒也被取消,那里挂着一幅标语“巴黎保卫全世界每个角落的人权”。
- As a result, the end of this month a group of officers to leave the Olympic Organizing Committee, Zhang Jilong have to return to the State Sports General Administration. 因此,本月最后一批人员离开奥组委时候,张吉龙也要回到国家体育总局。
- But Sun Weide, the chief spokesman for the Beijing Olympic organizing committee, acknowledged Wednesday that journalists would not have uncensored Internet use. 但孙维德,行政发言人为 北京奥运组织委员会,承认周三,记者便不会未经审查的使用互联网的情况。
- Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee legal department after investigation, found that the Internet is reselling an important platform for Olympic tickets. 北京奥组委法律部门经过调查,发现互联网是倒卖奥运门票的重要平台。
- In fact, for could let the more disabled friends watch the remnant Austria sports event, the Olympic Organizing Committee has spent the massive painstaking care. 事实上,为了能够让更多的残疾朋友观赏残奥赛事,奥组委花费了大量的心血。
- The Soviet Union,in retaliation for the American boycott four years ago,elected not to send a team to the United States,citing concerns over the performance of the L.A. Olympic Organizing Committee. 苏联为了报复4年前美国的抵制,故意不派代表队去美国参赛,借口说活杉矶奥运会组委会行为不当。
- Through efforts that promote the learning of foreign languages,and proper use of Putonghua and standard Chinese characters,the city will work hard to provide first-class language services to athletes,the Olympic organizations,visitors and tourists. 以学好外文,用好、推广普通话和规范汉字为主要内容,扎实推进语言环境建设,为运动员、奥林匹克组织、来宾和观光者提供一流的语言服务。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。