- A young swift fox makes a dash for its den, a kangaroo rat clenched tightly in its teeth. 嘴里紧紧地叼着刚刚捕获的小袋鼠,这只年轻的狐狸飞奔回它的巢穴。
- Wu Sun-fu could see the speaker in profile - a long, narrow face with a wispy, drooping moustache. 说这番话的人,侧面朝着吴荪甫,是狭长的脸,有几茎月牙式的黄须。
- Certainly a little narrow face, with hard eyes, had flashed up for an instant from a hole, and was gone. 分明有一张窄窄的瓜子脸,带着一副冷漠的目光,从洞口外闪了一下,接着又不见了。
- It is so easy, you can tell the difference almost at a glance. This one has a round face and that one has a narrow face. 太容易了,你一眼就能看出差别。他们一个是圆脸,一个是长脸。
- By the time he was ten years old, Harry had grown into a skinny, knobbly-kneed boy with untidy black hair and a narrow face. 到他十岁的这年,哈利长成了一个瘦瘦的,有着突膝盖、一头乱发和瘦脸庞的男孩。
- I've got a chubby body, a long, narrow face, pointy ears and a cute little tail. I have hoofs for feet and I might have horns that grow long and curvy. 我有一个圆胖的身子,一个又长又窄的脸,尖尖的耳朵和一条小巧的尾巴。我的脚上有蹄,我还有羊角,长得长而弯曲。
- The long and narrow face, Hypertrophy of the lips, strong body, Sagging breasts,the rounded belly Outline a clear image of the woman Mali. 狭长的脸颊,肥厚的嘴唇。健壮的身躯,下垂的乳房,浑圆的肚子勾勒出了一个鲜明的马里女子形象。
- The results show that LMF has a remarkable influence on the flow near the submerged entry nozzle, the stress on the mold narrow face and the velocity profile at the meniscus. 结果表明,全幅一段电磁制动对于控制浸入式水口附近的流动、对结晶器窄面的作用力以及弯月面处的流动起到了明显的作用;
- This small, thin humanoid has two long horns and bright yellow eyes. A wicked grin spreads across its narrow face a ball of flame materializes in its palm. 这些小家伙长着两根长长的牛角和一对鲜黄的眼睛。他脸上总是挂挂着坏坏的笑容,手掌上火焰凝聚的球状物呼之欲出。
- Network autism occurs in introverts, the typical symptom is addicted to network, from reality, is very quiet, depressed, social relationships and narrow face indifference. 网络孤独症多发生在性格内向者身上,其典型症状是:沉溺于网络,脱离现实,寡言少语,情绪抑郁,社交面狭窄,人际关系冷漠。
- Through taking some countermeasures such as the shimming adjustment of the wide face taper,the new design of narrow face foot roller and the change of the coating st... 制定了垫片调整大面锥度、增加窄边足辊和优化镀层结构等措施,结晶器平均寿命从144炉/次提高到306炉/次,最高使用寿命为517炉。
- The pore on how narrow face? 怎么缩小脸上的毛孔?
- Ennis, high-arched nose and narrow face, was scruffy and a little cavechested, balanced a small torso, on long, caliper legs, possessed a muscular and supple body made for the horse and for fighting. 埃尼斯高鼻梁,削瘦的脸,邋里邋塌,还稍微有些含胸,短短的身子,长长的罗圈腿,但他长得肌肉结实,身手矫健灵活,天生骑马打架的料。
- Ennis, high-arched nose and narrow face, was scruffy and a little cavechested, balanced a small torso,on long, caliper legs, possessed a muscular and supple body made for the horse and for fighting. 埃尼斯高鼻梁,削瘦的脸,邋里邋塌,还稍微有些含胸,短短的身子,长长的罗圈腿,但他长得肌肉结实,身手矫健灵活,天生骑马打架的料。
- The Praying Mantis allegedly have long, narrow faces with long, narrow large eyes slanted upward and outward in an almost V position. 螳螂依其申述是拥有长而窄的面孔,狭长的大眼睛向上和向外倾斜,几乎呈V字形的姿势。
- most widely distributed kangaroo rat: plains and mountain areas of central and western United States. 分布最广泛的更格卢鼠;美国中部和西部的平原和山区。
- Narrow face A typeface whose set width is narrower than normal. Synonymous with Condensed type. 窄身字体字身宽度较常用字体为窄的字体。参阅上文。
- most widely distributed kangaroo rat: plains and mountain areas of central and western United States 分布最广泛的更格卢鼠,美国中部和西部的平原和山区
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。