- Murakami Shigetoshi 村上茂利(1918-),日本人,众议员、书法家。
- The new Takashi Murakami book is amazing! 村上隆的新书相当精彩!
- A self-confessed oddball, Mr Murakami is a peculiar memoirist. 并不否认自己是一个怪人,村上春树先生是一位特别的传记作家。
- I think that Murakami literature cannot avoid the issue of China. 若是撇除中国的话,我想是无法谈村上文学的。
- I'd read Murakami novels before his autobigraphical piece. 我在读村上的自传以前读过他的小说。
- Most of all, Murakami writes about love, passion and loneliness. 村上春树写的最多的,是关于爱、激情和孤独。
- Murakami was a late bloomer, writing his first work at age 29. 村上春树大器晚成,29岁才写他的第一部作品。
- Mr Murakami is an intriguing man; and so is his book. 村上春树先生和他的书同样地引起人们的兴趣。
- When you walk around Murakami, a feeling of history still lingers everywhere. 如果走在村上的街道上、可以感受到歴史的残香气息。
- I used to be a scholar of Japanese literature.Now I'm a scholar of Murakami. 我过去是日本文学的学者,现在我是一名村上春树的学者。
- The genius of Murakami is in his discipline, focus and determination. 村上的天才在于他的纪律、专注和决心。
- A mistranslation by Mr Murakami opens up a common space for imagination. 这不过是村上先生的误译,大家就约定俗成的一个幻想。
- Murakami usually talks about the meal.---specially in Dance, Danace, Dance. 真是想维持原来的假象,或是抓脑袋撞墙。
- In 1965 Jimmy returned to California to establish Murakami Wolf Films. 1965年他回到加州并成立了MurakamiWolfFilms(村上狼电影)工作室。
- In different seasons, Murakami people inviting them to a different gear. 在不同的季节,村上人用不同的渔具邀请它们。
- Once the storm is over, eagle rock sounds cheerful again uncertain in Murakami. 雨过天晴,岩鹰欢快的叫声重又在村上飘忽。
- Mr Murakami's narrative flows slowly, and his portrayal of the dead hours of a city creates a rounded sense of place. 村上先生以缓慢的笔调展开叙述,描述了都市死气沉沉的时光,营造出强烈的地域感。
- "There's a boom in nostalgia for Astro Boy," says the museum sub-director, Murakami. 手冢治虫纪念馆副馆长村上顺一说:“现在出现了一种深厚的怀念《铁臂阿童木》的情绪。
- It is easier to be bewitched by Haruki Murakami's fiction than to figure out how he accomplishes the bewitchment. 村上春树的小说对读者有着非凡的魔力,但我们很难解释出他是怎样成功的对读者施魔法的。
- Mr Fukui also provided Mr Murakami, a former industry-ministry bureaucrat, with valuable contacts. 福井还与村上(前工业部官员)进行了一次重要的会晤。