- Mulberry latent carlavirus 桑树潜伏香石竹潜伏病毒
- He was infected with a latent infection. 他被感染了一种潜伏性的传染病。
- Silkworms feed on the leaves of mulberry. 蚕吃桑叶。
- The manager did not find her latent abilities. 经理没有发现她潜在的才能。
- Gynura latent carlavirus 土三七潜伏香石竹潜伏病毒
- Narcissus latent carlavirus 洋水仙香石竹潜伏病毒
- Nerine latent carlavirus 尼润属潜伏香石竹潜伏病毒
- Hop latent carlavirus 酒花麻潜伏病毒
- Shallot latent carlavirus 冬葱潜伏香石竹潜伏病毒
- Lonicera latent carlavirus 金银花潜伏香石竹潜伏病毒
- The now responsibilities drew out his latent talents. 新任务使他潜在的才智充分发挥出来。
- Carnation latent carlavirus 香石竹潜伏病毒
- Fuchsia latent carlavirus 倒挂金钟潜伏香石竹病毒
- European mulberry having dark foliage and fruit. 欧洲种桑树,叶和果实为黑色。
- Artichoke latent carlavirus 菊芋潜伏香石竹潜伏病毒
- Passiflora latent carlavirus 西蕃莲潜伏香石竹潜伏病毒
- Cole latent carlavirus 芸苔潜伏香石竹潜伏病毒
- Orthostatic proteinuria or latent nephritis? 体位性蛋白尿还是隐匿性肾炎?
- Behind the row of mulberry trees were paddy fields. 那一排桑树背后就是稻田。
- Plucks mulberry leaves by the green waterside. 采桑绿水边。