- More Samples in Effect Gallery 特殊效果画廊
- I have seen many samples in Conference, all are in simple and clear presentation, no fancy work. 我在会议看见了许多样品,所有都是简单和清楚的介绍,没有花梢的工作。
- There are many admiral samples in the collection. 这部集子里有许多花蝶标本。
- Her reply is in effect an apology. 她的答复实际上是一种道歉。
- The rules will remain in effect until October. 这些规章将实施到十月份为止。
- The two systems are, in effect, identical. 这两种制度实际上一模一样。
- The two methods were in effect identical. 那两个办法实际上是一样的。
- We are sending out samples in the hope of gaining comments. 我们正在寄送样品,以期徵求意见。
- Some ancient laws are still in effect. 有些古时的法律现在仍然有效。
- Offer free samples in exchange for feedback. 发放免费样品,换取反馈意见。
- We protect the interests of investors by the legislation in effect. 我们根据现行法律保护投资者的利益。
- Although he is her employer, she has in effect full control. 虽然他是她的雇主,但实际上是由她完全控制。
- There are some samples in the show window. 橱窗里有些样品。
- There're some samples in the show window. 橱窗里有些样品。
- Initially the contract will be in effect for ... years. 最初契约的有效期为。。。年。
- And there're some samples in the show window,too. 橱窗里还有些样品。
- The old tax regulations will remain in effect until next June. 旧税法到明年六月前仍然有效。
- Don't crush this box, it has samples in it. 不要把这个盒子压破了,里面装有样品。
- When you comfirm to buy the P.O#306238,the company can supply more samples. 工厂让我们确认正式采购P.;O%23306238,才能再提供更多的样品。谢谢!
- Just got some samples in the mail, so I don't know. 放在邮件里边的一些样品,我也说不清。