- Wireless devices and browsers are used to access the mobile Internet. 无线设备与浏览器用于访问移动internet。
- Mobile Devices and Browsers 移动设备与浏览器
- For example, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and browsers for mobile devices might provide different types of support for client script. 例如,Internet Explorer、Mozilla和移动设备浏览器可能会对客户端脚本提供不同类型的支持。
- Get guidance for deploying.NET Compact Framework applications on mobile devices and over your network. 获得在移动设备上通过您的网络部署.;NET Compact Framework应用程序的指南。
- Workplace Client Technology comes in two editions: Micro Edition for mobile devices and Rich Edition for desktops. Workplace Client Technology有两个版本:用于移动设备的Micro Edition和用于桌面的Rich Edition。
- HTC make millions of Windows Mobile devices and this will be very helpful to Yahoo! 排名越前的企业,获 得用户访问并最终引发交易结果的可能性越大,所得到的回报也就更为可观。
- For this reason, more and more embedded systems appear in our daily life, such as mobile devices and hotspots. 例如手机的大量应用,使得人与人之间的沟通更加便利;
- With the popularity of mobile devices and mobile communications technology,people have more and more demands on mobile data processing and management. 随着移动设备的普及和移动通信技术的进步,人们对移动数据处理和管理需求的不断提高。
- And many parents report less than stellar success with imposing restrictions on mobile devices and computers. Young people are genius in finding ways around them. 同时很多家长都反应说,对移动设备和电脑设限并不很奏效。年轻人聪明着呢,他们总能在身边找到办法。
- This command will clear all user data from the mobile device and can be used if the device is lost or stolen. 此命令将清除移动设备中的所有用户数据,并可在设备丢失或被盗时使用。
- Combine mobile device and desktop computer items, giving you the option to remove identical items. 合并移动设备和桌面计算机上的项,并可以选择删除重复项。
- By the way, I already have https between Web and browser clients. 同时,我已经具有Web和浏览器客户端之间的https了。
- It affects every Web server and browser currently on the market. 它影响目前市场上的所有Web服务器和浏览器。
- You should pay attention to both the physical security of your mobile device and access control at the software level such as password protection, personal firewall settings and data encryption. 请留意摆放好你的流动设备,和启动所需的软件设定,例如加设密码、安装个人防火墙,及把有需要的数据加密,防止他人擅用你的资料。
- Class and that are designed for a mobile device. 类继承并为移动设备设计的两个网页。
- Web Services Tool Kit for Mobile Devices. 如何帮助开发在小型移动设备上使用Web服务的应用程序。
- InfoPath forms solutions help you reach more users by providing an easy form fill-in experience across Web browsers, e-mail messages, or mobile devices. InfoPath表单解决方案使您感觉到在Web浏览器、电子邮件或移动设备中填写表单是一件非常轻松的事,从而可以帮助您与更多用户取得联系。
- Always have full Emergency Warp Devices and an Escape Pod. 要经常备有完备的紧急空间移动装置和逃生舱。
- Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. 您的移动设备是无线电发射机和接收机。
- All of them use power BJT output devices and run in true class A. 它们都是使用功率双极性晶体管输出,工作在纯A类下。