- Mine Force Support Group 水雷部队支援大队
- Amphibious Force Support Group 两栖部队支援大队
- Yes, I joined a support group, bought a brush. 是的,我参加了一个服务组买了把刷子。
- Join me in the Ph*ramin support group! 晚上呢打算黄瓜两根*醋凉拌!
- Join me in the Phente**ine support group! 我的晚餐基本上市蔬菜汤!
- Join me in the Phentermine support group! 桃子加上运动,会度过平台期的。
- Join me in the Ph*e**ine support group! 世界上没有丑的女人只有懒的女人干把带!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- There was also a small ad hoc support group on the Repulican side. 在共和党方面,也有一个不大的特别支援小组。
- There was also a small ad hoc support group on the Republican side. 在共和党方面,也有一个不大的特别支援小组。
- Let me walk you through our Enterprise Support Group. 我来带你见见企业技术支持小组的全体同事。
- I suggest you start a support group for bankers with a conscience. 我建议你为有良知的银行家设立一个增援组织。
- You may want to ask your doctor to recommend a LQTS support group. 患者可以让医生推荐一个LQTS支持群以获得帮助。
- As a member of the UN Mine Action Support Group (MASG), China works with other donor countries to explore new ways and means to promote international de-mining assistance efforts. 作为联合国“地雷行动支助小组”成员,中方与其他捐助国一道,积极探索国际扫雷援助的新方法、新途径。
- PLWHAs helping each other like AIDS Sunshine and Mangrove Support Group. 感染者自助组织,如爱之阳光与红树林。
- Is currently working with the IBM VisualAge for Java Technical Support group. 目前在IBM VisualAge for Java技术支持小组工作。
- And the smile is the force supporting this city, and only a thriving, throbbing and vibrant city will be beaming with blossoming smiles. 而微笑的背后是这个城市的力量,城市繁荣了、兴旺了,才会绽放出更加灿烂的笑容。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- As these singletons search out a soulmate, friends may become a support group. 当单身者寻找到意中人时,朋友可能成为一个支持自己的群体。
- And the smile is the force supporting this city. and only a thriving. throbbing and vibrant city will be beaming with blossoming smiles. 而微笑的背后是这个城市的力量.;城市繁荣了
- People in support groups try to help each other stop smoking. 互助组的成员努力支持彼此戒烟。