- Military Product Pricing 军品定价
- Therefore, VDP product price high. 所以,VDP产物的代价相差腾贵。
- If there is a shortage of any product prices of that product go up. 如果任何一种产品短缺,那种产品的价格就上涨。
- Research foundry market and make product price proposals. 市场调研并提出产品的价格方案。
- We depreciate the product price to achieve greater market share. 为了获得更大的市场份额,我们降低了产品价格。
- We must consider the competitor's price when giving the product pricing. 在给产品定价时,我们必须考虑竞争对手的价格。
- Product prices in the industry lower. 产品价位在同行业中较低。
- In order to gain the larger market share,we reduce the product price. 为了获得更大的市场份额,我们降低了产品的价格。
- In order to obtain larger market share, we reduced the product price. 为了获得更大的市场份额,我们降低了产品价格。
- For example, DCA's Stanvick noted, that different states have differing opinions on whether bomb detectors are military product. 举例说,DCAStanvick指出,不同的国家就炸弹探测器是否军用产品有不同的意见。
- The ideas of fine design was put forward in the process of military packaging design to coincide with the demands of military product protection. 提出从全面满足产品防护要求出发,将精细化设计理念贯穿到军品包装设计的各个环节之中。
- Between the monopolization and negotiation, the important incentive policy problem of government is how to encourage firm insisting R &D in the military product. 在垄断与谈判权力角力下,如何激励厂商持续从事军事产品研发,是政府重要国防产业政策之一。
- The company's products price concessions, quality assurance. 本公司产品价格优惠,质量保证。
- But of cause the production price can be acceptant by Chinese lady! 面料主要从欧洲引进,精致、高贵、舒适。
- We should consider the product prices rivals decided as we do. 在给产品定价时,我们必须考虑竞争对手的价格。
- Aquatic products prices continue to fall. 水产品价格继续下降。
- Product pricing ethics is a norm to guide enterprises behavior in its product pricing. 企业产品定价道德是指导产品定价活动中企业行为善恶的规范。
- This is a very important principle,especially where military products are concerned. 这个问题很重要,特别是军工产品。
- This problem merits special attention,since today military products mean modern weapons. 现在的军工产品是现代化的武器,更要注意这个问题。