- The beginning of Misellina-Brevaxina acme zone is considered as the lower limit of Middle Permian. Misellina-Brevaxina顶峰带的出现是中二叠统的底界,Codonofusiella 顶峰带的出现是上二叠统的底界。
- The early Middle Permian (Qixian Stage) reefs are discovered only in the Glass Mountains of North America, Pamirs and Aerge Mountains in West China. 中二叠世栖霞期的礁仅发现于北美格拉斯山脉、帕米尔和我国的阿尔格山等地。
- The Middle Permian Chihsia Formation of South China is featured by nodular chert, which is of implications in the reconstruction of coeval paleogeography and paleoceanography. 摘要燧石结核是华南地区二叠纪栖霞组的重要识别特征之一,其成因具重要的古地理、古海洋意义。
- The origin of the Middle Permian Chihsia Formation from South China remains a puzzle for long, with its evident oxygen-deficient features associated with diverse benthos. 华南地区中二叠世栖霞组有机质丰富,出现多方面缺氧沉积特征,同时多门类底栖生物繁盛,其成因一直令人困惑。
- The huge oil_bearing nodules,oil shale and marl interbeded in thick dark mudstone were firstly found in Middle Permian in the northern Turpan_Hami Basin. 地震、探井资料及盆地分析结果表明,台北凹陷北缘与准噶尔盆地南缘为中二叠世沉降沉积中心,该地区中二叠统深湖相泥岩是这两个盆地油气藏的主要烃源岩。
- One to three karst cycles may be recognized mostly at the top of the Upper Permian strata, top of the Middle Permian Maokouan strata and top of the Carboniferous strata and subordinately at the top of the Devonian strata. 这些古岩溶作用主要存在于上二叠统顶部、中二叠统茅口组顶部和石炭系顶部,其次是泥盆系的顶部。
- The middle Permian Lucaogou Fm. was dist ributed within Malang sag and the southwestern part of Tiaohu sag.It was the main source rock composed f rom carbonate rocks and dark shale. 三塘湖盆地中二叠统芦草沟组分布于马朗凹陷和条湖凹陷西南部边缘 ,主要由碳酸盐岩和暗色泥岩组成 ,是盆地主力生油岩。
- It is considered that the Anjihaihe Formation is the effective caprock for the Jurassic source rock, and the Sangonghe Formation and the Baijiantan Formations are effective for the Middle Permian one. 认为安集海河组对侏罗系烃源岩是有效的盖层,而三工河组和白碱滩组则对中二叠统烃源岩是有效的。
- Abstract :The Middle Permian Maokou Formation is generally overlain by the Late Permian Emeishan basalts in eastern Yunnan and western Guizhou in the west of the Yangtze platform. 提要: 上扬子西部滇东、黔西茅口组之上多为峨眉山玄武岩所覆盖,长期以来人们一直认为两者不存在沉积间断和地层剥蚀。
- Analyses also suggested that the two apparent declines in species diversity of fusulinacean fauna were related to the Early Permian fauna turnover and the Middle Permian extinction event. 而物种分异度的两次大幅度下降则分别反映了早二叠世的动物群更替事件及中二叠世集群灭绝事件对本地区(竹蜓)类动物的影响。
- Loucaogou Formation of Middle Permian 中二叠统芦草沟组
- top of Upper Carboniferous-bottom of Middle Permian 上石炭统上部-中二叠统下部
- I'm sick of being piggy in the middle all the time. 我腻烦了总是夹在争吵双方的中间。
- He planted roses in the middle of the garden. 他在花园中间种上玫瑰。
- He admires the chivalry of knights in Middle Ages. 他很佩服中世纪武士的侠义精神。
- It has its roots deep in the Middle Ages. 它起源于遥远的中世纪。
- My wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race. 我的车轮子在汽车比赛中途脱掉了。
- We have studied botany in our middle school. 我们在中学的时候就学过植物学。
- There are 300 students or so in this middle school. 这所中学大约有300个学生。
- He was appointed the rector of the middle school. 他被任命为那所中学的校长。