- Man literature of Qing dynasty 清代满族文学
- Next, Piao Qijia displays the original opinion to the development of poetry and dram literature of Qing Dynasty. 其次,朴齐家对清代诗歌文学与戏剧文学的发展表现出独到的见解。
- the scholars and literature of the end of Ming and beginning of Qing dynasty 晚明清初文人与文学
- literature of Qing Dynasty 朱彝尊
- Those are the records of Qing Dynasty in the Palace Museum. 那是故宫博物院中清朝的史料。
- This is the afterimage of Qing dynasty reflected in my mirror. 这就是我的心镜中照出的清代残影。
- The bottom marks Qianlong Year of Qing Dynasty in seal character stamp. 此件红釉双耳尊,体积较大且品相较好,实为不可多得的收藏佳器。
- Bahai, a patriotic general, was the first general of Ning Guta area of Qing Dynasty. 巴海为第一任宁古塔将军,清代任将军者76人次驻守此地。
- GuiFu was an outstanding linguist of Chinese history .He was one of the four famous experts in ShuoWen of Qing dynasty. 桂馥是中国古代著名的语言学家,清代“说文四大家”之一。
- Our school locates in downtown of Beijing city.Originally this location is residence for Rui Infante of Qing Dynasty. 北京市第二十四中学坐落于北京市中心,原为清代睿亲王府,位置优越,交通便利。
- There are counterwork and cooperation between the superstratum esquire and the local governments of Qing dynasty. 巨绅与地方官合作表现为:巨绅为官员推荐绅士办团练、筹备资金、训练团勇、协助守城等等;
- "In A.D. 1735, Emperor Qianlong ascended the throne in the most properous period of Qing Dynasty. "公元1735年,大清帝国达到鼎盛时期的乾隆皇帝登基即位了。
- Weixi, a famous essayist of Qing Dynasty, his prose achievements have been finalized. 清初著名散文家魏禧在散文创作方面的成就前人已有定论。
- The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes. 某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念。
- On every page, there portrayed one Arhat among the eighteen Arhats, and subtitiled by Emperor Gaozong of Qing dynasty. 各画十八罗汉中的一位罗汉,每页均有清高宗弘历对题。
- At the end of Qing Dynasty,the social opinion had great effect on the abolishment of the imperial examination system. 清末科举制度废除前,社会舆论摇旗呐喊,从而为科举制度的废除营造声势。
- To the End of Qing Dynasty, octave will start blowing like school plays, concerts greatly enriched the content. 到清末民初,八音会始仿学吹戏,极大丰富了演奏内容。
- Moreover, most of the swords we see today are that of Qing Dynasty, much less of Ming Dynasty. 而另外,我们所见过的刀剑大多数都是来自清朝的,明朝的都已经很少见。
- Huaben stories prospered in the late Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty but declined afterwards. 摘要文人话本在明代天启、崇祯和清代顺治大约四十年间出现繁荣局面,到清代康熙年间已经衰微。
- Huang Zun Xian, who lived in the evenitn of Qing dynasty, is a famous poet, diplomat, reformation ideologist. 黄遵宪是近代知名的诗人、外交家、改良思想家。