- This is not part of the SSL standard, but is highly recommended to prevent a man in the middle attack MITM. 虽然这不是SSL标准的一部分,但是这个步骤却是高度建议的,它可以防止中间人攻击。
- Similar to man in the middle to rob people. 对别人进行了掠夺。
- The man in the middle of the team is Jack. 队伍中间的那个男人是杰克。
- The man in the middle is doing the introductions. 中间的那个人那人是做介绍的。
- The robber stabbed the young man in the belly. 强盗刺伤了这名年轻人的腹部。
- Always liked men in the middle of all things novel spin. 男人总是喜欢在所有新奇的事物中间打转。
- I was out and away the handsomest man in the class. 我是当时全班最帅的男子汉。
- I'm sick of being piggy in the middle all the time. 我腻烦了总是夹在争吵双方的中间。
- He is the richest man in the world. 他是世界上最富有的人。
- He planted roses in the middle of the garden. 他在花园中间种上玫瑰。
- The Research on IKE Protocol Against Man in the Middle Attack IKE协议抵抗中间人攻击的研究
- He played the man in the time of great trouble. 他在极为困难的时候显示出男子汉的气概。
- It has its roots deep in the Middle Ages. 它起源于遥远的中世纪。
- My wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race. 我的车轮子在汽车比赛中途脱掉了。
- Mr. Jones is the busiest man in the office. 琼斯先生是办公室里最忙的人。
- The richest man in the world cannot buy everything. 即使是世上最富有的人,也无法买到一切。
- She has dropped out in the middle of the race. 她中途退出比赛。
- A man in the garb of a priest came in. 一个穿着牧师服装的人走了进来。
- Good. Looking out of the window sometimes scares me,so I prefer to be the man in the middle. 那好,看窗外有时会把我吓倒,所以我比较喜欢坐在中间。
- He broke off in the middle of a sentence. 他一句话只说了一半就停住了。