- Malawi Kwacha 马拉维克瓦查(马拉维货币名)
- A basic unit of currency in Malawi and Zambia. 克瓦查马拉维和赞比亚的基本货币单位
- This ambition is mirrored by Malawi. 这个想法已经被马拉维验证了。
- Chinese people love the people of Malawi. 中国人民爱马拉维人民。
- Gazetteer Africa: Endemic to Lake Malawi. 非洲:马拉威湖的特有种。
- A Bantu language spoken in Malawi, closely related to Nyanja. 切瓦语马拉维地区所用的一种班图语系的语言,与尼扬扎语有密切联系
- A Bantu language spoken in Malawi,closely related to Nyanja. 切瓦语马拉维地区所用的一种班图语系的语言,与尼扬扎语有密切联系
- Child-friendliest among the paupers were Burkina Faso and Malawi. 布基纳法索,马拉维,这俩贫穷国家儿童友善工作做得不错。
- Madonna &David to come back in Malawi later this month? 玛丹娜将携养子大卫返回马拉威?
- The 13-month-old has now clocked up 16,000 air miles since leaving Malawi. 这个13个月大的小不点从离开马拉维开始,已经飞行长达16,000英里。
- The13- month-old has now clocked up16,000 air miles since leaving Malawi. 这个13个月大的小不点从离开马拉维开始,已经飞行长达16,000英里。
- In Africa, the group is active in Liberia, Senegal, Mali and Malawi. 在非洲,该组织还活跃在利比利亚,塞内加尔,马里和马拉维。
- This model is already taking hold in Uganda, Mongolia, Burkina Faso and Malawi. 这种模式已经在乌干达、蒙古、布基纳法索和马拉维等出现出。
- Malawi farmers using threshing machinery provided by the ROC government. 3. 图2:马国农民用我方赠送的打谷机打谷。
- Bantu-speaking people living north of Lake Malawi in Tanzania, and in Malawi. 居住于马拉威和坦尚尼亚马拉威湖北部,操班图语的民族。
- Madonna has left Malawi after visiting the country with her four children. 麦当娜在带着自己的四个子女访问马拉维后离开该国。
- To date, we have conducted training in Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Senegal. 迄今为止;我们已进行了培训;在贝宁;埃塞俄比亚;加纳;马里;马拉维;尼日利亚;卢旺达和塞内加尔.
- A BUSINESSMAN who was attacked by a crocodile in Malawi, Africa eacaped by biting the reptile on its nose last week. 上周,一位在在非洲的马拉维遭受鄂鱼攻击的商人打了这个爬行动物的鼻子后得以逃脱。
- The situation in Malawi, one of Africa's poorest nations, is particularly devastating. 南部非洲最贫穷的国家之一马拉维受灾特别严重。
- People in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho and Malawi are also suffering from starvation. 津巴布韦、赞比亚、莫桑比克、斯威士兰、莱索托以及马拉维等国的人们也在遭受饥荒。