- The comparison of different kernel functions for SVM shows that RBF kernel function is most suitable for recognition of maize disease. 不同分类核函数的相互比较分析表明,径向基核函数最适合于玉米病害的分类识别。
- According to the features of color texture image of maize disease, a method of recognizing disease by using support vector machine (SAM) and chromaticity moments is introduced. 摘要针对玉米病害叶片彩色纹理图像的特点,提出一种将支持向量机和色度矩分析应用于玉米病害识别的方法。
- At first, the extracting features of chromaticity moments of texture image of maize disease is done, then classification method of SVM for recognition of maize disease is discussed. 首先利用色度矩提取玉米病害叶片纹理图像的特征向量,然后将支持向量机分类方法应用于病害的识别。
- Maize is widely planted in the America. 玉米在美洲广泛种植。
- The study of viruses and viral diseases. 病毒学一种病毒和病毒性疾病的研究
- Many dangerous diseases are carried by insects. 许多危险的疾病是由昆虫传播的。
- Most diseases could be wiped out. 大多数疾病是可以被消灭的。
- Certain ear diseases can affect one's equilibrium. 某些耳疾会影响人的平衡能力。
- Some diseases are present by heredity. 有些疾病是由于遗传导致的。
- Dr. White specialized in children's diseases. 怀特医生专治儿科疾病。
- Many diseases are caused by bacteria. 许多疾病是由细菌引起的。
- The study of sexually transmitted diseases. 性病学对性传染疾病的研究
- The cause of this diseas is kept unknown sa far. 造成这种疾病的原因迄今几乎一无所知。
- This suggest that NIDDM is a heterogoneous diseas. 认为NIDDM是一种异质性疾病;
- We can grow sorghum or maize on this plot. 我们可以在这块地可以种高粱或玉米。
- Wheat and maize belong to the grain group. 小麦和玉米都属谷类。
- The maize waved gently on the fields. 玉米在田地中翩翩起舞。
- This old man is a leading authority on wheat diseases. 这位老人是小麦病虫害方面的权威。
- Wheat,maize and oats belong to the grain group. 小麦,玉米及燕麦都属谷类。
- Wheat, maize and oats belong to the grain group. 小麦,玉米及燕麦都属谷类。