- A trailer or dwelling place on wheels. 活动住房用汽车拖拽的住所
- The machinery requires constant maintenance. 这些机器需要经常保养维修。
- Maintenance of PC is in my element. 我对电脑的维修保养很在行。
- He's taking classes in car maintenance. 他正在上汽车维修课。
- He transports his boat by putting it on a trailer behind his car. 他将小艇放在汽车后面的拖车上运输。
- Who is responsible for the building's maintenance? 谁负责这座大楼的保养事宜?
- Has he enrolled in the car maintenance class this year? 他今年报名参加汽车维修班的学习了吗?
- They attached the trailer to the car. 他们把拖车挂在汽车后面。
- The petitioner ask for a variation in her maintenance order. 上诉人要求对她生活费的命令的条件进行变更。
- The tractor took up the slack and pulled the trailer out of the mud. 拖拉机拉紧拖缆把拖车从泥中拉了出来。
- A lot of the cost of maintenance go into renew brake. 很多的维修费用都花在了更换煞车方面。
- That's a car with a trailer hitched on to it at the back of the road. 路上有一辆背后挂着一辆拖车的汽车。
- He had to work hard for the maintenance of his family. 他为了养家不得不去拼命工作。
- I connected the trailer to the car. 我把拖车接在汽车后。
- All the maintenance workers are stopping out until their demands are met. 全体维修工人正继续罢工,直到要求被满足为止。
- One who is responsible for the maintenance of a golf course. 高尔夫球场看管员负责看护高尔夫球场的人
- A trailer was attached to the rear of the truck. 卡车后面挂了一辆拖车。
- Solicitor acting for the wife make an application for a maintenance order. 作为妻子诉讼代理人的初级律师提出要求获得赡养费判令。
- We hooked the trailer to the back of the car. 我们把拖车挂在汽车尾部。
- She worked hard to earn money for the maintenance of her family. 她卖力干活为了挣钱养家糊口。