- Light intensity is the most important environmental factor. 光照强度是最重要的环境因素。
- Which environmental factors must be considered while regulating and controlling the environment of soilless culture? 对无土栽培的环境设施调控,应考虑哪些主要的环境因素?
- Fixed effects included measured environmental factors and genetic markers, and random effects included unmeasured family cultural environment (i.e. 假设遗传因素和环境因素共同作用于疾病表型。
- Another environmental factor is the character of the Gulf Stream. 另外一个环境因素是墨西哥暖流的影响。
- It is possible that familial tendencies reflect common environment relationships or an environmental factor superimposed on a genetic one. 家族倾向性可能反映的是环境方面共有的关系或是在遗传因素上所附加的环境因素。
- Related environmental factors include heat, dehydration, and alcohol. 相关环境因素包括:高温、脱水和酒精。
- The equivalent environment index (I), environmental factor (EF), and environmental loading (ELV) are clearly de-fined, respectively. 定量给出了具体材料在制造过程的环境影响值。
- "The study shows how genetic and family environmental factors influence the ways in which we create our own social environment as we grow," Kendler said. “研究向人们展示了遗传和家庭环境因素如何影响在我们成长过程中建造自己的社会环境的方式。”Kendler说。
- And such environmental factors would be illnesses, infections and stress. 并且这些环境因素将导致疾病、感染和压力。
- Recognise, evaluate, control and improve environmental factor accordingly. 识别评价控制改善公司生产的环境因素。
- Doctors would understand better the links between genes and environmental factors. 医生们将更深入地了解基因和环境因素间的联系。
- Moisture is the important environmental factor influencing the growth of Mikania micrantha. But few studies have described its adaptive capacity of adjusting and controlling the growth environment, including soil moisture and air humidity. 水分是影响薇甘菊(Mikaniamicrantha)生长的重要环境因子,但通过调控生长环境包括土壤水分和空气湿度来探讨这一入侵植物的适应能力的报道较少。
- It’s also important to consider environmental factors and persona aptitudes when devising visual styles. 此外,在开发视觉样式时,考虑环境因素和人物角色的能力也同样重要。
- The cause is not known, but it is thought to be the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors. 其原因仍不清楚,但被认为是遗传和环境因素共同作用的结果。
- Influence of Environmental Factors on Seeds Germination of Bupleurum chinense DC. 柴胡种子萌发的环境因素研究。
- Environmental factors tending to favor longevity are abundant in Hawaii and less numerous in Louisiana. 有助于长寿的环境因素,夏威夷多于路州。
- Adjust the model to account for future economic, demographic, political and environmental factors. 考虑将来经济,人口统计,政治的模特和环境等因素,调整你的模型。
- CCA of water beetles'distribution and environmental factors in lentic samples of North Changbai Mountain. 长白山北坡静水水体中水甲虫分布与环境关系的典范对应分析。
- The section of piles from above the water of the piled jetties in service is seriously corroded or damaged due to atrocious environmental factors. 摘要现役高桩码头水平面桩头部分由于恶劣环境因素导致的腐蚀等破坏令人担忧。
- Objectives: Genotype phenotype correlation in 2 pairs of monozygotic twins with ARVC and the role of environmental factors are analyzed. 目的:在两对ARVC单卵双生子中分析基因型与表型的相关性以及环境因素的作用。