- HSV travel to the Olympic stadium in Berlin on Tuesday night (15.4.08,8pm) a little shell-shocked, after losing 0-1 at home to relegation-threatened MSV Duisburg at the weekend. 汉堡上周末在主场输给杜伊斯堡之后,周二晚上(德国时间15.;4
- Arminia Bielefeld, Energie Cottbus, Eintracht Frankfurt, VfL Wolfsburg as well as promoted Karlsruhe SC, Hansa Rostock, and MSV Duisburg have set their top goal as avoiding relegation. 比勒费尔德,科特布斯,法兰克福,沃尔夫斯堡,还有升入甲级的卡尔斯鲁厄,罗斯托克,和杜伊斯堡,已经把他们的目标定位于避免降级。
- MSV Duisburg 杜伊斯堡队
- 7. Arminia Bielefeld, Energie Cottbus, Eintracht Frankfurt, VfL Wolfsburg as well as promoted Karlsruhe SC, Hansa Rostock, and MSV Duisburg have set their top goal as avoiding relegation. 比勒费尔德,科特布斯,法兰克福,沃尔夫斯堡,还有升入甲级的卡尔斯鲁厄,罗斯托克,和杜伊斯堡,已经把他们的目标定位于避免降级。收藏指正
- Many fans in Duisburg failed to get a ticket for the friendly between Germany and Denmark, to be played in the MSV Arena on March 28. 杜伊斯堡的许多球迷都没能拿到即将于3月28日在MSV球场上演的德国与丹麦的友谊赛的球票。
- VfB defender Serdar Tasci: "Duisburg played well and cleverly. 斯图加特后卫塔斯奇:杜伊斯堡踢得很好也很聪明。
- The individual annual affective dose equivalent is 1.05 msv. 人均年吸收剂量当量为1.;05msv。
- Europe's newest blast furnace has just opened in Duisburg. 欧洲最新的高炉刚刚在多伊士堡投入使用。
- MSV coach Rudi Bommer: "I can't accuse my team of doing anything wrong. 杜伊斯堡主教练:我不想指责我的球队哪里做的不好。
- Thyssen and Krupp merged their steel operations in 1997 and consolidated production in Duisburg, on the Rhine. 在1997年,蒂森和克虏伯合并了,开始在莱茵河畔的杜伊斯堡统一生产。
- Like the whole Ruhr area, Duisburg also underwent a change of economical structure in the last several decades. 如同整个鲁尔区一样,杜伊斯堡市在过去的几十年里也经历着一场经济结构的变迁。
- The average radiation exposure of occupationally exposed persons was 0.10 mSv against an annual statutory limit of 20. 他们的平均辐照量为0.;10毫希沃特(mSv),低于20毫希沃特的法定辐照年剂量限值。
- The personal annual effective dose equivalent caused by radon daughters is 0.88 mSv. 氡子体产生的个人年有效剂量当量为0.;88mSv。
- Pressure is on Dortmund after a dismal 3-1 opening loss to newcomers Duisburg, which saw Thomas Doll lashing out at his players. 3负于升班马杜伊斯堡后,压力在多特这边,多尔猛烈抨击他的队员们。
- They had found bad incidents such as powder pipe on fire, leakage of H-P MSV or operating bearing over heated in time. 同时运行人员还加强生产现场设备的巡回检查次数,做到定时、定点、定位,做到及时发现,及时处理,保证运转设备的安全稳定运行。
- The effective dose levels per person in 1996 and 1998 were 0.040 and 0.042 mSv respectively. 19种X射线诊断检查所致全市年人均有效剂量当量 1996年为 0 .;0 40mSv;1998年为 0
- But even in booming Duisburg old habits are fading more slowly than the industries that fostered them. 但即使是在兴旺的多伊士堡,那些旧习仍比那些产生它们的工业消失得更慢。
- With the moving and closure of enterprises the inner port of Duisburg came into industry wastelands. 杜伊斯堡内港因港口企业的搬迁和关闭,变成了工业废弃地。
- Herr Wang f?hrt mit der S-Bahn nach Duisburg, um eine Firma zu besichtigen. Aber er wei? nicht, wo er die Fahrkarte kaufen kann. 王先生乘轻轨去杜伊斯堡参观公司。但他不知道该在哪里买票。
- As Germany has not played in Duisburg for 74 years, the game was sold out in a matter of days. 由于德国队已有74年没有在杜伊斯堡打过比赛了,比赛的球票几天之内便售空了。