- Low load strengthening 低载强化
- low loading strengthening 低载强化
- Suitable for low load applications or lightly contaminated atmospheres. 适用于轻负荷和轻度污染场所。
- Low amplitude load strengthening 低载强化
- InFlexible for load variation, but efficiency drop significantly when operate at low load. 调峰能力差,在低负荷运行时发电成本将大幅提高。
- The conventional pulverized-coal reburning technology has no effect on the flame stability at low load. 再燃技术不会影响锅炉的低负荷稳燃能力。
- The mechanism shows hysteresis friction at low load while adhesive friction at high load. 在较低载荷时,丁腈橡胶表现为滞后摩擦,在较高载荷时,表现为粘着摩擦;
- The experimental results showed that the performance of USC system was good in low load conditions but bad in high load conditions. 试验结果表明 ,该燃烧系统的性能在低负荷工况较好 ,在高负荷工况较差。
- But under low load, the HC and CO emissions with UCS combustion system are higher than that with base conventional combustion system. 但在中低负荷工况 ;由于壁面温度低 ;其 CO和 HC排放量明显高于原机 .
- Vicker's Low Load Hardness Tester Model HV-10 is a new hi-tech product integrating precision mechanical and photoelectrical technologies. HV-10型小负荷维氏硬度计采用精密机械技术和光电技术的新型维氏硬度计。
- Vicker's Low Load Hardness Tester Model VC-5A1 is a new hi-tech product integrating precision mechanical and photoelectrical technologies. VC-5A1维氏硬度计采用精密机械技术和光电技术的新型维氏硬度计。
- The tribological behaviors of Al graphite composites under low load and low sliding speed were studied with a Falex machine. 研究了低速、低载荷滑动摩擦条件下铝基石墨复合材料的摩擦学特性.结果表明:在相对滑动初期,复合材料的摩擦系数与基体合金相近;
- There are many kinds of burners for stable combustion at low load in the markets, but all these burners have some defects. 目前市场上用于低负荷稳燃的燃烧器种类很多,但都存在着一些缺陷。
- In addition, flange forging were performed under various process parameters to find the best forming condition for low load and smooth surface. 另外,藉由改变各种制程参数,寻找镁合金凸缘锻造的最佳成形条件,期望获得成形负荷低且外形轮廓佳之凸缘。
- The application of such technology greatly reduced the oil consumption and low load condition stable burning in lignite-fired burner. 结果表明,等离子点火系统性能稳定,能实现褐煤锅炉少油点火及低负荷稳燃。
- ZCR series valve features extremely good technical performance, low load loss andhighreliability,is suitablefor coalgas,natural gas,liquefied petroleum gas etc. ZCR系列燃气紧急切断阀具有极佳的技术性能,低负荷损失和高可靠性。
- The pumped-storage generating unit pumps water at low load of power grid to decrease the loss of thermal generators, and modulate the load at the peak load of power grid. 摘要抽水蓄能机组在电网低谷负荷时作抽水负荷,降低火电机组的压火损耗;电网高峰负荷时顶替火电机组出力调峰。
- Multi-dimensional numerical simulation is made to analyze the characteristics of charge stratification at low load conditions in a two-stroke DISI engine. 为揭示二冲程汽油机缸内直喷分层充气的特点,本文对低负荷工况下直喷二冲程汽油机缸内流场进行了多维数值模拟。
- Finally the unit's economical efficiency under low load operation and the influence of steam exhaust manner to the condenser are analyzed and theoretically calculated. 最后,分析其排汽方式对凝汽器的影响,并对机组低负荷工况运行时的经济性进行了分析和理论计算。
- The operation situation of the device,sludge treatment and control,and maintenance of biomass during long-term low load operation in summer season were introduced. 介绍了该装置的运行情况、污泥的处理与管理,以及夏季低负荷长期运行时生物量的维持等。