- Minocycline has already been shown to have a neuroprotective effect in animal models of multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons disease, and Lou Gehrigs disease. 在对患有多发性硬化、帕金森氏症、亨廷顿氏症和路盖里格氏症的动物进行实验时,已经证实二甲胺四环素具有保护神经的作用。
- Lou Gehrigs disease 肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症,卢伽雷氏症,葛雷克氏症 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,ALS
- Felzer suffers from ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. 费尔泽身患ALS,也叫鲁盖瑞氏症。
- Kim Myung Min portrays a man who suffers from Lou Gehrig's disease. 金明民饰演一个患有路葛雷克氏症的男人。
- She had known for three months before my wedding that she had a terminal disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease). 她在我们婚礼前3个月就得知她患有末期肌肉萎缩硬化症。
- It's also being tested in patients with Lou Gehrig's disease and Huntington's disease. 研究人员也正在测试米诺环素对肌肉萎缩症及亨廷顿舞蹈病患者的效果。
- According to the ALS Association, most people who develop Lou Gehrig's disease are adults between 40 and 70. 多数人在40到70岁之间得上了这种病。
- Sporadic reports had come in of patients developing ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, while taking statins. 在服用他汀类药物期间,某些患者出现ALS(重症肌无力),也称为葛雷克氏症。
- She had known for three months before my wedding that she had a terminal disease,amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease). 她在我们婚礼前3个月就得知,她患有末期肌肉萎缩硬化症。
- The old man taught Albom valuable lessons about life and death while at the same time fighting a losing battle with Lou Gehrig"s disease. 老教授在与鲁葛瑞格氏症(肌萎缩症)做临终搏斗的同时,传授阿尔博姆许多关于生死的有价值的训诫。
- The old man taught Albom valuable lessons about life and death while at the same time fighting a losing battle with Lou Gehrig's disease. 老教授在与鲁葛瑞格氏症(萎缩症)临终搏斗的同时,传授阿尔博姆许多关于生死的有价值的训诫。
- There is no cure for ALS, also called motor neuron disease or Lou Gehrig's disease after the New York Yankees baseball player who died of it in 1941. 肌萎缩性侧索硬化还没有治疗方法,也叫做运动神经疾病或LouGehrig病,LouGehrig是纽约扬基棒球运动员,他于1941年死于这种病。
- In 2003, I was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig's Disease.Over time, this disease will weakenfinally destroy every significant muscle in my body. 2003年我被症断患有肌萎缩性侧索硬化症,随着病情的进一步发展,病会削弱并破坏我身上的每一块肌肉组织。
- PHOEBE: Please, I almost fell for that with, uh, Pride of the Yankees, I thought I was gonna see a film about Yankee pride and then, boom, the guy gets Lou Gehrig's disease. 好了,我差点就上那个,什么,《杨基的骄傲》的当了,我以为这是一部关于杨基的骄傲的电影,结果,洼,那个家伙得了路葛瑞症。
- Hawking, 65, who has Lou Gehrig's disease, will be the first person with a disability to fly on the one of the flights offered by Zero Gravity Corp., a space tourism company. 六十五岁的霍金患上了肌萎缩性侧索硬化症,将成为第一位带有残疾的人参加由太空旅行公司,零重力公司的飞行。
- For example, scientists have discovered that Lou Gehrig's disease is caused by mutations in SOD1, a gene whose protein is also expressed in mitochondria. 例如,科学家已经发现葛雷克氏症是由于SOD1基因突变,而该基因编码的蛋白质也在线粒体里表达。
- Kevorkian was released from prison this morning after serving eight years for second-degree murder in connection with the death of a man with Lou Gehrig's disease. 因为与一名身患卢格里克氏病的患者的死有关,被指控二级谋杀,而在监狱里蹲了八年。
- Lou Gehrig played first base. 卢·格里克打一垒
- The stem cells could be used to help find new medical treatments for diseases such as Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's, and Parkinson's. 干细胞可用于辅助发现某些疾病的新医疗,如痴呆症,肌萎缩侧索硬化症和帕金森症。
- Both the film and the book chronicle the lessons about life that Mitch learns from his professor, who is dying from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. 它会令患者肌肉由下至上逐渐萎缩,最后像灵魂被封印在躯壳内一样,全身都不能动,但神智却非常清醒。