- Princeton biologist Lee Silver told the London Sunday Times. 普林斯顿大学生物学家李?西尔弗告诉伦敦《星期天时报》。
- The associated press security exclusive right to the video from the London Sunday Times. 电视安全报道伦敦星期泰晤士报的独家新闻。
- Ian Fleming's The Living Daylights was originally printed as a short story in the first issue of The London Sunday Times Colour Section on February 4th 1962. KGB的科斯基夫有意谋反,在英伦提供了反情报,但占士邦怀疑其动机,未料科斯基夫被俄方派出杀手救走,方知科是想借占士邦之力杀害普斯金。
- London Sunday Times 《星期日泰晤士报》
- "Its oil equipment industries are located in rebellious provinces, its transportation system is in a shambolic state, and its currency is virtually worthless" (London Sunday Times) “它的油设备工业位于叛乱省份,其运输系统也处于混乱状态,而且其流通货币实际上是无价值的”(伦敦星期日时报)
- The Sunday Times ran an article headlined "The X Brothers". 《星期日泰晤士报》登载了一篇标题为"X兄弟们"的文章。
- They printed his reply in the Sunday Times. 他们把他的回复刊登在了《星期日泰晤士报》上。
- The Sunday Times ran an article headline. 《星期日泰晤士报》登载了一篇标题为"X兄弟们"的文章。
- I also saw that news item in the Sunday Times. 我在星期日泰晤士报上也看到了这条消息。
- Harold Evans (1928--), editor of the Sunday Times of London, editorial director of US News and World Report and publisher of Random House in New York. 哈罗德 - 伊文思(1928-),英国伦敦“星期时报”编辑,“美国新闻”和“世界报道”主编,纽约兰登书屋出版商。
- The Sunday Times in London quotes the British commander in Afghanistan as also saying the Taleban cannot be defeated on the battlefield. 伦敦的星期日泰晤士报援引英国在阿富汗的指挥官的话表示,不可能在战场上打败塔利班。
- Caption :Protestors gathered outside the Iranian embassy in London Sunday to demonstrate against what they believe were unfair elections in Iran. 描述:示威者周日聚集在伊朗驻伦敦使馆外,抗议伊朗大选结果,他们认为此次选举有失公允。
- The sunday times run an article headline"the x brother". 《星期日泰晤士报》登载了一篇标题为"X兄弟们"的文章。
- The car will tackle the Hill during the Sunday Times Supercar Run. 该车将解决希尔在星期日泰晤士报超级运行。
- The Sunday Times of Britain said in 1965 also predicted the eventual collapse of Singapore without British aid. 英国的《星期日泰晤士报》预测,没有英国的援助,新加坡最终将垮掉。
- Perry, according to the Johannesburg-based Sunday Times newspaper, faces extradition. 据约翰尼斯堡的周日时报报导,派瑞面临被引渡(回国)。
- Tell me about all your doings in London. 告诉我你在伦敦所做的一切。
- Sunday Times, Joe Lovejoy: “Roman Abramovich didn't turn up and nor did Chelsea. 泰晤士报,JoeLovejoy:“阿布没有出现,切尔西也没有“出现”。
- "I think the games of discrediting our beloved Nantah are still going on such as the Sunday Times' report. " (大意:我想,像海峡星期刊那样破坏南大名誉的勾当还在进行着。
- Which in part might explain the letter of a Singaporean published in The Sunday Times recently. Responding to a column by Life! 这可能是造成一个年轻新加坡人最近针对《海峡时报》副刊主任林耀辉的一篇专栏文章,投函到《海峡时报》的部分原因。