- Liang Shuming is a famous educator in modern history of China. 梁漱溟是中国现代史上著名的的教育家。
- Liang Shuming used the Bergsonism as the first step of Modern Confucianism. 梁漱溟开发和利用柏格森哲学,在援西方哲学入儒的方向上迈出了第一步。
- The essence of Liang Shuming"s opinion of culture in his early period is eclecticism. 梁漱溟这一早期文化观的实质就是折中主义。
- Liang Shuming"s opinion of eclecticism culture has very important revelation to constructing socialism culture. 梁漱溟折中主义文化观对建设社会主义新文化具有极其重要的启示意义。
- The tendency of eclecticism in Liang shuming"s thought is also relation to his opinion of absolute holism culture and subjective culture. 梁漱溟思想中的折中主义倾向也与他的绝对整体主义文化观和主观文化论有关。
- Liang Shuming attempt to fuse Buddhist Dharmalaksana and the viewpoint of Bergson life philosophy, to explain and develop the Confucianism the philosophy of livelihood shrewd justice, to rebuild the ideal personality of the Confucianism. 梁漱溟试图融合佛教唯识学和柏格森生命哲学的观点,用以阐释和发挥儒家“生”之哲学的精义,以重建儒家的理想人格。
- On Liang Shuming's High Praise of "True Feeling" 试论梁漱溟对"真情"的推崇
- The New Confucian Thoughts of Liang Shuming 简论梁漱溟新儒学思想
- On Eclecticism of Liang Shuming'Theory of Culture in His Early Period 试论梁漱溟早期文化观的折中主义
- Liang Shuming: An Arduous Polymath without Success in Realization of His Ideal 梁漱溟:一生兼收并蓄,志事终难两偿
- Slick and Ambiguous: the Subjective Character and its Shade on Liang Shuming's Thought 圆融与暧昧:梁漱溟思想主体性特征及其影响
- On Liang Shuming's Rigid Position in His Rational Pursuit for the "Ethics of Life" 梁漱溟“人生伦理”之理性追求的偏执
- On Mr. Liang Shuming's Literature and Art Theory Based on the Relation of Body and Heart 梁漱溟关注身心关系的文艺学思想论析
- Methodological Comparison in the Cultural Theories between Mr. Liang Shuming and Max Weber 梁漱溟与马克斯·韦伯文化理论中的方法比较
- Liang Shuming's Discussion of the Common Grounds and Dissimilarities between the Confucianism and the Buddhism 梁漱溟论儒佛异同与会通
- Discussions on the Liang Shuming's Outlook of Creation at the Early Stages and its Significance in the Rural Construction 论梁漱溟早期创造观及其在乡村建设中的意义
- Liang Shuming was of the view that in China, "society was organized along patriarchal lines and ethics took the place of religion." 梁漱溟则认为中国“以宗法组织社会,以伦理代替宗教”。
- You have once losing consciousness one liang day. 你曾经有一两天不省人事。
- The Ethic Characteristic of Traditional Chinese Social Relations and Its Contemporary Difficulties --A Study of Liang Shuming's Social Organization Theory 中国传统社会关系的伦理特质及其当代困境--梁漱溟社会结构理论研究之一
- The man on the right is Lao Liang. 右边的人是老梁。