- Brian: It's a large blue traveling suitcase. My nametag is on it. 是一个大的蓝色旅行箱。我的名牌在上面。
- You can put the letters into the large blue wooden box. 你可以把信放在那个大的蓝色的木盒里。
- On each side of the shiny painted steps was a large blue china flower-pot on a bright yellow china stand. 在这油漆得闪闪发光的台阶上,两边各有一只蓝色大瓷花盆,下面是淡黄色瓷座。
- Above this is a large blue Bodhicitta, and the shape is like that of a drip or a candle flame. 在此之上,有一个大的蓝色菩提心,其形状是像水滴或蜡烛的火焰。
- A large blue handkerchief, such as the Invalides use, was folded into a fichu, and concealed her figure clumsily. 一条对角折的粗蓝布大手巾,就是伤兵们用来擤鼻涕的那种大手巾,遮去了她的腰。
- Little Prince Andre had large blue eyes, the prettiest eyes in the world, and a sweet little mouth, but, alas! 小王子安德烈有一双大大的蓝眼睛,是世界上最好看的眼睛;
- The large blue non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cells can be seen infiltrating through the mucosa. 可见大的蓝色的非霍奇金淋巴瘤细胞浸润黏膜层。
- A pair of large blue Limoges porcelain vases, ornamented with gold floral patterns. 一对大蓝利摩日瓷花瓶,装饰用金暗花。
- In this encampment in An Xian, hundreds of large blue tents dot the flat farmland where rice and barley are being grown. 在安县营地,数百个蓝色帐篷在平坦的农田扎点,这些农田的稻谷小麦都正在成长。
- The dusky large blue butterfly is slowly migrating north from Central Europe to the south of Scandinavia as climate change heats up its native habitat. 由于气候变化使原栖息地变暖,导致暗蓝色大蝴蝶正缓慢向北迁徙,自欧洲中部迁至斯堪的纳维亚南部地区。
- Large blue eyes wearing yellow glasses look down coldly from an advertisement at these thirsty people lost in their desires. 广告牌上戴着黄色眼镜的一双蓝色大眼睛冷冷地俯视着这些渴望的人迷失在欲望之中。
- Any of several plants of the genus Anemone, especially A.patens, having large blue, purple, or white flowers, each producing many conspicuously plumed achenes. 银莲花,白头翁一种银莲花属植物尤指银莲花长有蓝色、紫色或白色的大花,每朵能结出许多显眼的羽状瘦果
- When the temperature of the night without had fallen so low as to make her chilly, she opened a large blue umbrella to ward off the draught from the door. 这时,外面夜晚的气温已经降低到使她感到了寒冷,于是她打开了一把蓝色的大伞,以抵御从屋门渗进的寒气。
- Wenchang Pavilion,built in 1838 (the 18th year of Daoguang Emperor of Qing Dynasty), it has an upper pavilion and lower body and totally made of large blue stones. 建于清道光十八年(1838),主体用大青方石筑成,上建阁楼,下筑阁洞,浑然一体。
- Any of several plants of the genus Anemone, especially A. patens, having large blue, purple, or white flowers, each producing many conspicuously plumed achenes. 银莲花,白头翁一种银莲花属植物尤指银莲花长有蓝色、紫色或白色的大花,每朵能结出许多显眼的羽状瘦果
- The Rebel's Large Blue butterfly has become endangered because of changes to its environment. Currently, it is only found in grassy areas within the mountains of Europe. 由于生存环境的变化,叛逆大蓝蝶已经濒临绝种危险。目前,只有在欧洲山区里的草原上才能发现它们。
- Today, the stock market and the external impact of the futures market roseand large blue chips higher, driven by shocks, one stands on the market rebound in 2700 at a record high. 今日大盘受外围股市与期市大涨的影响跳空高开,并在大盘蓝筹股震荡走高的推动下,一举站上2700点创出反弹行情的新高。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- An eastern North American violet(Viola pedata) having large blue or purple flowers and palmately divided leaves that are shaped somewhat like a bird`s foot. 鸟足堇菜:一种北美东部的紫罗兰(鸟爪堇菜堇菜属),有大的蓝色或紫色花朵和形如鸟足的掌状全裂叶
- The Large Blue was avidly hunted by butterfly collectors, especially during the Victorian and Edwardian eras when butterfly collecting was a popular pastime. 大蓝蝶是蝴蝶标本收集者的挚爱,尤其是在维多利来女王与爱德华国王时代,当采集蝴蝶标本是一种流行的爱好时。