- Thunderbolt sped by Jove 's right hand sought out the height. 朱庇特右手发射的霹雳总是寻找高处。
- Industry is fortune s right hand, and frugality her left. 勤勉是幸运的右手;节约是幸运的左手.
- Industry is fortune‘s right hand, and frugality her left. 勤勉是幸运旳右手,节约是幸运旳左手。
- Industry is fortune"s right hand, and frugality her left . 勤奋是幸运的右手,节俭是幸运的左手。
- The police found a revolver at the scene, just beside the victim’s right hand. 警察在现场发现一把左轮手枪,就在遇害者右手旁边。
- Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous:" The LORD'S right hand has done mighty things! 在义人的帐棚里,有欢呼拯救的声音。耶和华的右手施展大能。
- Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous:' The Lord' s right hand has done mighty things! 在义人的帐棚里,有欢呼拯救的声音,耶和华的17右手施展大18能。
- Philippians chapter 2 tells us in very descriptive words how He was exalted and sits at the Father’s right hand. 腓立比书二章以生动的措辞告诉我们,祂如何被升为至高,且坐在父神的右边;
- Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: "The LORD'S right hand has done mighty things! 在义人的帐棚里、有欢呼拯救的声音.耶和华的右手施展大能。
- She is weak by nature because she is mixed blood, so Ducan\'s right hand, swards woman Ira has been teaching her a swordsmanship to protect herself. 她是软弱的性质,因为她是混血儿,所以邓肯的右手,剑女子共和军已被教她剑术,以保护自己。
- Lang's right hand lay 右搓钢丝绳
- Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of the LORD's right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spewing shall be on thy glory. 你满受羞辱,不得荣耀。你也喝吧,显出是未受割礼的。耶和华右手的杯,必传到你那里,你的荣耀,就变为大大的羞辱。
- The right hand is dominant in most people. 大多数人的右手是优势手。
- Soapy felt a hand lay on his arm. 苏比觉得有一只手按在他的胳膊上。
- Mary is her mother's right hand. 玛丽是母亲的好帮手。
- She withdrew her eyes from his smashed right hand. 她移开视线不去看他那只打烂的右手。
- She let her hand lie in his a moment, smiling up at him adorably. 她伸出手让他握着,抬起头妩媚地朝他微笑。
- In her hands lay the reins of a stallion. 驯马的鞭子躺在她的手里。
- After the accident my right hand withered up and became useless. 那次事故以后,我的右手残废了,什么也不能干了。
- In her hands lay the reins of stallion. 驯马的鞭子躺在她的手里。