- Kawashima Katsuji 河岛胜二(1918-),日本人,实业家。
- More Brain Training from Dr. Kawashima: How Old Is Your Brain? 来自川岛隆太教授的进一步脑力训练:你的脑龄多大了?
- Prof. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain? 大脑锻炼:你的脑年龄是多少?
- Katsuji Takeda, the owner of a sushi business, says that at a stroke the“ Tsukiji brand” will be destroyed. 一家寿司店主精辟的指出:“筑地品牌”效应将会被破坏殆尽。
- Katsuji Takeda, the owner of a sushi business, says that at a stroke the “Tsukiji brand” will be destroyed. 一家寿司店主精辟的指出:“筑地品牌”效应将会被破坏殆尽。
- Kawashima in the sand fly on a reef site and found that "Zeus" has been broken into two parts round and capsized. 在上川岛飞沙洲一处礁盘上,发现“宙斯”轮已断成两截并倾覆。
- Kawashima Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.Changzhou City are high-quality professional dehumidifier manufacturer. 常州市川岛电器有限公司是高品质除湿机专业制造商。
- A small expeditionary force headed by Kawashima arrived on the West Coast in June 1959. 小远征部队由川岛抵达西海岸在1959年6月。
- Chambers, a 51-year old British national and currently executive vice president and chief operating officer at Nippon Sheet Glass, will replace Katsuji Fujimoto pending shareholder approval in June. 严禁对新闻材料进行再次发布和其它商业利用.;作为商业贸易的用途。
- Yutaka Kawashima also suggested that the Universe Development Undertaking Group organize an inspection team to thoroughly ascertain the reason why the satellite could not enter geosynchronous orbit. ”田中真纪子还建议宇宙开发事业团成立一个检查小组,彻底查明卫星进不了同步轨道的原因。
- Hoshikuma, J., Kawashima, K., Nagaya, K. and Taylor, A. W. (1997). “Stress-Strain for Confined Reinforced Concrete in Bridge Piers,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, pp. 624-633. 方仓盛(1999)”碳纤维强化高分子复合材料应用于钢筋混凝土圆柱围束补强之研究”,学士论文,国立台北科技大学土木工程学系。
- Kawashima M.Dorgan C E.Mitchell JW Hourly thermal load prediction for the next 24 hours by Arima,Ewma,L R and an artificial neural network 1995(1 胡文斌.;华贲
- Katsuji 胜治(姓,日本)
- Kataoka Katsuji 片冈胜治(1924-),日本人,参议员。
- Hayashi Katsuji 林胜次(1907-),日本人, 教育家。
- Ogawa Katsuji 小川胜次(1899-?),日本人,全日本滑雪联盟负责人。
- Kimura Katsuji 木村胜次(1930-),日本人,社会党县本部负责人。
- Fukuda Katsuji 福田胜治(1899-?),日本人,摄影家。
- Yamada Katsuji 山田胜次(1915-),日本人,实业家。
- Kawamata Katsuji 川又克二(1905-),日本人,实业家。