- 1927-1937年 1927- 1937
- 论1927-1937年间国民政府改良传统婚姻制度 A Preliminary Study of the Reform of marriage system by the Government of KMT in 1927-1937
- 爱尔顿(1927)首创了“食物链”这个专业术语。 Elton(1927)was the first to coin the phrase "food-chain."
- 南京政府时期(1927-37)为国际化时期,后因日本侵略而中断。 Nanking decade [1927-37] as period of internationalization, cut off by Japanese invasion.
- 埃因托芬,威廉1860-1927荷兰生理学家,因其对心电图学的贡献获1924年诺贝尔奖 Dutch physiologist. He won a1924 Nobel Prize for his contributions to electrocardiography.
- 本文利用档案资料,以苏州商会为例,首次对1927至1937年间强势国家与商会的关系作了系统的研究。 This thesis, however, by making use of archives,took the chamber of commerce of Suzhou as example and made a systematic research of the relationship between powerful state and the chamber of commerce during1927-1937 in China.
- 范内,约翰·罗伯特生于1927英国药理学家。因其在前列腺素上的调查研究而获1982年的诺贝尔奖 English politician and colonial administrator who was governor of Massachusetts(1636-1637) and a leading Parliamentarian during the English Civil War. He was tried and executed for high treason after the restoration of the monarchy.
- 福斯,罗伯特 路易斯1927-1987美国百老汇及电影制作的舞蹈设计师、导演,因酒店(1972年)而获得奥斯卡金像奖 American choreographer and director of Broadway and motion-picture productions, including Cabaret(1972), for which he won an Academy Award.
- 阿雷尼乌斯,斯凡特·奥古斯特1859-1927瑞典物理学家和化学家。因其电解质的电离理论获1903年诺贝尔奖 Swedish physicist and chemist.He won a1903Nobel Prize for his electrolytic theory of dissociation.
- 伍德哈尔,维多利亚 克拉芬1838-1927美国改革家。妇女选举权和自由恋受的直言不讳的倡导者,她是第一个竞选美国总统的妇女(1872年) American reformer. An outspoken advocate of woman suffrage and free love, she was the first woman to run for the U.S. presidency(1872).
- 同时,在格里菲斯等人的美国影片的影响下,前苏联导演将蒙太奇作为剪辑技巧用在了<战舰波将金号)(1925)和(圣彼得堡的末日)(1927)等片中。 "at the same time, influenced by Griffith' s american films, montage was developed as an editing technique in "Potemkin (Battleship)"(1925) and "The End of St. Peterburg"(1927)."
- 格拉斯,金特尔·威廉生于1927德国作家,其著名小说铁皮鼓(1959年)和非人的岁月(1963年),涉及了德国在二战期间及战后的政治和社会面貌。 German writer whose novels,notably The Tin Drum(1959) and Dog Years(1963),concern the political and social climate of Germany during and after World War II.
- 这一地区的生活启发了劳伦斯写成一些最佳作品的灵感:短篇小说《圣·摩尔》(1925)、宏伟的长篇小说《羽蛇》(1926)以及两部散文集《箭猪之死有感》(1926)和《墨西哥的早晨》(1927)。 The area inspired some of Lawrence's finest work: the short novel St. Mawr (1925), the magnificent novel The Plumed Serpent(1926), and two Books of essays, reflections on the Death of the Porcupine (1926) and Mornings in Mexico (1927).