- 德国Karl Rabofsky公司褶裥机 Pleating Machines of Karl Rabofsky GmbH
- Karl Mayer公司ITMA’99参展产品介绍 Karl Mayer at ITMA'99
- 你还在轮椅上呢干吗不让我跟karl洗盘子呢? You're in a wheelchair for a reason, okay? Why don't you let karl and i do the dishes?
- 德国Karl Mayer公司的第三代经纱拉伸单元 The Third Generation Karl Mayer Warp-drawing Unit
- 当karl干完下午活到家时,他的妻子正在烧饭。 When Karl arrived home after the afternoon's work, his wife was cooking dinner.
- 爱因斯坦于1911年移居布拉格,在Karl-Ferdinand大学任教授。 Einstein later moved to Prague in 1911 where he was a professor at the Karl-Ferdinand University.
- 爱就是一个女孩洒上香水,一个男孩洒上香水,然后他们一起出去,互相闻对方。"--Karl 5岁 Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."-- Karl - age 5
- MOSSANDL karl 是一家高效能的企业,该企业生产高精度的建筑机械出租,载货汽车,机械出租。 Rental, Commercial vehicles or Construction machine leasing are only some things, which belong to the area of activity of MOSSANDL KARL.
- 马里兰州巴尔的摩市霍普金斯大学的Karl Glazebrook和Ivan Baldry,报道了他们在1月份的发现。 Karl Glazebrook and Ivan Baldry of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, reported their finding in January.
- STOEHR KARL heinz GMBH 是一家令客户满意的工业型企业,该企业生产杰出的金属加工,配电柜。 STOEHR KARL HEINZ GMBH informs you about Metalworking as well as about Distributor cabinets.
- 德国零售业家族Theo and Karl Albrecht的排名上升一位排到了第三名,净资产达268亿美元。 German retailers Theo and Karl Albrecht climbed two notches to No.3, with a net value of %2426.8 billion.
- 介绍德国Karl F isher公司生产的填充式干燥设备,分析了设备的流程及除湿原理,找出影响干切片含水率的相关因素。 It introduces the filling dry equipment of German Karl Fisher Company,and also analyzes its equipment course and dehumidification principle. The influential factors of chip moisture percentage are found.
- 1900年奥地利医学家Karl Landsteiner发现ABO血型系统并于1930年获得诺贝尔医学和生理学奖,现代输血学从此建立。 Karl Landsteiner ,an Austrian doctor, discovered ABO blood type in 1900 and then won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1930.From then on, modern transfusion medicine has established.
- KLUWE OTTO KARL FERNTRANSPORTE 作为一家具有丰富经验的经济型企业,为您提供远程运输范围内效果显著的、价值的产品。 The enterprise KLUWE OTTO KARL FERNTRANSPORTE offers Long-distance haulage among other things.
- 利用MIA-3微机化多功能离子分析器和数字自动滴定管组成的微机控制自动滴定系统,可以用Karl-Fischer法测定样品中的水分. The determination of water content by Karl Fischer method is realized through the microcomputer-controlled automatic titration system consisting of MIA-3 multifunction ion analyzer and a digital automatic burette.
- NEHLSEN KARL GMBH CO KG作为一家具有丰富经验的经济型企业,为您提供清除有毒废物,废物运输范围内效果显著的、高价值的产品。 NEHLSEN KARL GMBH CO KG offers you more Offers on Disposal of used, Waste transports.
- KLUWE OTTO KARL FERNTRANSPORTE作为一家具有丰富经验的经济型企业,为您提供远程运输范围内效果显著的、高价值的产品。 The enterprise KLUWE OTTO KARL FERNTRANSPORTE offers Long-distance haulage among other things .
- 方法 :应用Karl-Storz内窥镜 ,最大外径8mm ,共治疗颅内病变 44例 ,包括梗阻性脑积水 2 6例 ,脑脓肿 4例 ,颅内囊肿 5例 ,脑内血肿 9例。 Method:With Karl-Storz intra-ventricle endoscope,its diameter is 8mm,total 44 patients with intracranial lesions were treated,in which 26 cases suffered from abstractive hydrocephalus,4 cases from brain abscess,5 cases from intracranial cysts and 9 cases from intracraial hematomas.
- Another one-word blog entry said it all: \\\"Free.\\\" James Karl Buck同学通过他用手机更新的一词博客(one-word blog)走出了埃及监狱。 CNN) -- James Karl Buck helped free himself from an Egyptian jail with a one-word blog post from his cell phone.