- (1907 年的英、法、俄)三国协约; 三个协约国 the(Triple) Entente
- 1907至1914之间,他们掠走了34箱绢轴国画和其他艺术品。 Between 1907 and 1914 they carried away 34 cases of silk scroll paintings and other works of art.
- 设计出第一个化学元素周期表的俄国化学家(1834-1907) Russian chemist who devised the first periodic table of the chemical elements (1834-1907)
- 温81 Tween 81 吐
- 吐温81 sorbimacrogol oleate100
- (1834-1907)设计出第一个化学元素周期表的俄国化学家。 Russian chemist who devised the first periodic table of the chemical elements (1834-1907).
- 81枪族 81 firearms
- 伯格,沃伦 厄尔生于1907美国最高法院首席大法官(1969-1986年) American jurist who served as the chief justice of the U.S.Supreme Court(1969 - 1986.
- Tween-81 Tween-81
- 争光81-A Colchicnamide
- 波拉哈:美国政治家。来自爱达荷州(1907-1940年)的美国共和党参议员,因其独立观点而著称。 "Borah:american politician. a Republican U.S. senator from Idaho (1907-1940), he was noted for his independent opinions."
- DE-81滤纸 DE-81 filter
- 汤川,秀澍1907-1981日本物理学家,因以数学方法预言介子的存在而获得了1949年的诺贝尔奖 Japanese physicist.He won a1949Nobel Prize for mathematically predicting the existence of the meson.
- PM-81单抗 monoclonal antibodies PM-81<白血病治疗辅助药>
- 它们是 Macrobiotus harmsworthi Murray, 1907; Macro biotus hufelandi Schultze, 1833。 They are Macrobiotus harmswothi Murray, 1907 and Macrobiotus hufelandi Schultze, 1833. Both species belong to family Macrobiotidae, order Parachela, class Eutardigrada.
- 长81油藏 Chang 81 oilreservoir
- 门捷列夫,季米特里·伊凡诺维奇1834-1907俄国化学家,是第一个设计并出版元素周期表的人(1869年) Russian chemist who first devised and published the periodic table of the elements(1869).
- 国码是81,区域号码是138,电话号码是12—3456。 Country code81, area code138, and the number be12-3456.
- 卡尔杜齐,吉奥苏1835-1907意大利诗人,被看作是现代意大利民族诗人,曾获1906年度诺贝尔文学奖 Italian poet considered the national poet of modern Italy. He won the1906 Nobel Prize for literature.
- Tween 81 吐 温81[药用辅料]