- Jiangnan Classical garden 江南文人园林
- Suzhou is noted forits beautiful classical gardens. 苏州以其优美的古典园林而闻名天下。
- Suzhou. The classical gardens here are wonderful. 苏州的古典园林绝对值得欣赏。
- Yuyuan Garden is a famous classical garden which located next to City God Temple. 城隍庙旁边的豫园是著名的古代园林。
- In the art of Chinese classical garden, hearing and vision are usually interwoven. 在园林中听觉与视觉往往是交织在一起的。
- With its perfect layout, magnificent buildings and enchanting landscape, the Summer Palace is the most splendid classical garden in China. 颐和园规模宏大,布局精巧,建筑华美,风光绮丽,是中国现存的最富丽的古典园林。
- With its perfect.layout, magnificent buildings and enchanting landscape, the Summer Palace is the most splendid classical garden in China. 颐和园规模宏大,布局精巧,建筑华美,风光绮丽,是中国现存的最富丽的古典园林。
- European-style-garden , basically , is regular classical garden .It is grand and great and it contains rich imagination. 欧式庭园基础上可以说是规则式的古典庭园,它非常庄严雄伟,而且蕴涵着丰富的想象力。
- The leaking window which is the highly representative traditional design element plays an indispensable role in the Chinese classical garden art. 漏窗这一极具代表性的传统设计元素,在中国古典园林中发挥着不可或缺的艺术作用。
- The three philosophy-thought foundations of ecological idea of Chinese classical garden were Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi philosophy, Zen, and Confucianism philosophy. 摘要老庄哲学、禅宗以及儒家哲学是构建中国古典园林生态观的三大哲学思想基础。
- The view deeply affects the natural view and the aesthetic concept of the Japanese,and also works on the Japanese classic garden building and design techniques. 强烈的自然环境资源危机观是日本人特有的民族心理特征,它对日本人的自然观、审美观都起到了深刻的影响,并作用于日本园林的造园思想与营造手法。
- Abstract:This thesis has carried on the analysis and the discussion on the South classical garden architectural style in the Xining such northwest subject botanical garden's application. 摘要:文章就江南古典园林建筑形式在西宁这样的西北主题园林中的应用进行了分析和探讨。
- Lujiang County, Anhui, Sichuan Machinery Company submarine-classical building materials division is the country's largest classical garden building materials production of state-owned enterprises. 安徽庐江县潜川机械限公司古典建材分公司是全国最大的生产古典园林建材的国有企业。
- In this paper, the viewpoint that the Chinese classic garden is not only closely dependent on and closely linked with poetry but also is accordant with poetry development is clarified. 阐述了中国古典园林与诗词、绘画相生相长、同步发展,追求诗情画意的崇高境界,让人们通过各种感官去感受、想象和体味,并与之产生共鸣,从而给人们以精神上的享受。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The garden is overgrown with weeds. 这个园子里长了许多野草。
- Water-designing is one of the key factors in building Chinese and Western classical gardens. 摘要理水是中西古典园林建造的重要因素之一。
- This paper applied FLUENT, a commercial CFD software, to simulate the water flowing driven by a pumping system in anomaly garden water in classical gardens of Suzhou. 摘要以苏州古典园林为依托,运用FLUENT软件计算实施人工水力循环时不规则园林池塘水体的运动规律。
- With special renovation,Beijing will again take on the scene it once had,complete with its historical rivers and classical gardens. 通过专项整治,再现京城水系和古典园林的历史风貌。
- Deeply rooted in traditional Chinese literature and painting art, the freehand style in Suzhou classical gardens is the pursuit of the literati garden owners. 这种手法是中华民族直觉顿悟思维方式的表现,是中国传统诗画的延伸,并与文人园园主的关系密切。