- It smell like the meat. 这个东西闻起来像肉。
- The dog's nose twitched as it smelt the meat. 那狗一闻到肉味,鼻子直抽动。
- The dog's nose twitched as it smelt the meat . 那狗一闻到肉味; 鼻子直抽动.
- Dude, put the cover back on it. It smells like b.o. 伙计,把盖子盖回去。闻着像汗臭味。
- Smell: What does it smell like? Sweet and fresh or stale and bad? 味道:闻起来味道怎么样?甜的而且新鲜还是变味而且坏了的?
- Smell:What does it smell like?Sweet and resh or stale and bad? 味道:闻起来味道怎么样?甜的,新鲜或是变味的,坏了的?
- Smell:What does it smell like ?Sweet and fresh or stale and bad? 味道:闻起来问道怎么样?甜的,新鲜的或是变味的,坏了的?
- If you do not like the fat on the meat,cut it off. 如果你不喜欢肉上有肥膘,把它去掉好了。
- If you do not like the fat on the meat, cut it off. 如果你不喜欢肉上有肥膘,把它去掉好了。
- Billy: What's that smell? It smells like blueberry. 比利:是啥味道?闻起来好像蓝莓。
- Hillary: Umm, OK. Hey, why does it smell like a fish store in here? 希拉蕊:嗯,好吧。嘿,为什么这里闻起来像卖鱼的店啊?
- The dog's nose twitchedas it smelt the meat. 那狗一闻到肉味,鼻子直抽动。
- It was dank and clanked; it smelled like history. 那间房子阴湿,当啷作响,散发着历史的气味。
- The dog was attracted by the smell of the meat. 狗受到肉味的引诱。
- Ken: Yuck, it smells like a1) cave down here. 肯:好恶,这地铁站闻起来像洞穴。
- B: It smells like a potpourri bag. 闻起来像是百味袋。
- The medicine tastes bitter, but it smells like tea. 这药尝起来苦苦的,不过闻起来像茶。
- We like the meat and vegetable hotpot. It really helps us to keep warm. 我们喜欢吃涮火锅,可以驱寒保暖。
- Hmm, it smells like fresh homemade bread. 嗯,闻起来好像是刚出炉的面包。
- Yuck, it smells like a sewer down here. 好恶,这里闻起来像下水道。