- Introduction to IC Engine kB 内燃机概论
- Introduction to IC Engine 内燃机概论
- This course is designed as an introduction to the subject. 这门课程是作为该科目的入门课而开设的。
- This book is titled An Introduction to American Literature. 这本书名为《美国文学指南》。
- Convergence bring earthquake to IC venders and engineers? 融合:对元器件厂商和工程师意味着什么?
- She was shy at her introduction to the guests. 她备介绍给客人时有些害羞。
- Introduction to TTL series IC and basic electronic devices. 基本TTL系列IC和电子材料的介绍。
- Mary gs shy at her introduction to the whole class. 当被介绍给全班同学时,玛丽很害羞。
- This book is an Introduction to Radio. 这本书是《无线电入门》。
- M.F. Harrison, P.T. Stanev.Measuring wave dynamics in IC engine intake systems. 杨寿藏,陈云彪,现代先进发动机技术-进排气系统(一).;柴油机设计与制造,2001(1)
- Get an introduction to a well-known professor. 介绍给一位知名教授。
- An Introduction To Layout Designing. 版面设计的介绍。
- An Introduction to Annelida -- 2nd rev. Ed. 环虫动物概论,第2修订版。
- An Introduction to Mathematical Risk Theory II. 数学风险论导引2。
- An Introduction to WEB Design and Programming II. 设计与编程导论2。
- The experimental results indicate that the DDI system is reliable and feasible for the studied IC engine prototype. 样机试验结果表明所研制的数字直接点火系的方案可行、性能可靠。
- An introduction to English language testing II. 简明英语测试教程2。
- An introduction to modern architecture. 现代建筑引论。
- A.A.Sokolov and S.T.Glad,”Identi_ability of Turbocharged IC Engine Models”, SAE Paper No.99P130. 黄惠辉;”四行程机车引擎性能测试分析”;机械工业杂志;1996.
- An introduction to office work II. 机关工作概论2。