- BEIJING, Aug. 23 Xinhua 2008 Beijing International Press Center was held today in Beijing during the Games security operation a news conference. 中新网8月23日电2008北京国际新闻中心今天举行赛会期间北京城市运行保障新闻发布会。
- At the circuit's press center, right? 是赛场的新闻中心,对吧?
- Grandstand and the press center. 看台和新闻中心构成的。
- The part of Canada in the writing book International press law. 正在编辑中的《国际新闻法律文件汇编》中有加拿大部分。
- "Nest" the press center of a staff member told reporters. “鸟巢”新闻中心的一位工作人员告诉记者。
- How far is this Media Village to the Olympic Village and the Main Press Center? 这个媒体村离奥运村和主新闻中心有多远?
- As a result, the international press followed the 1924 Olympics in much greater detail than before. 其结果是,国际新闻界给予了1924年奥运会更详尽的报道。
- As a result,the international press followed the 1924 Olympics in much greater detail than before. 其结果是,国际新闻界给予了1924年奥运会更详尽的报道。
- But,somehow,the volume in the international press always gets turned up a little higher when it comes to Japan. 但是,到了日本这方面的国际报道就连篇累牍.;。
- SOUTH KOREA. Kaesong. International Press photographers covering the Korean War. 1952. 1952年,南韩,开城,朝鲜战争期间的国际新闻社摄影师们。
- We shall hold a press conference at 3: 00 pm tomorrow at the press center and wish to see you all present. 我们将于明天下午3点在新闻中心举行新闻发布会,欢迎届时参加。
- But, somehow, the volume in the international press always gets turned up a little higher when it comes to Japan. 但是;到了日本这方面的报道就连篇累牍.;。
- The press center will cooperate with 10 domestic websites, including Xinhuanet.com, to launch the chatrooms. 新闻中心会和国内的10家门户网站合作.;包括新华网来建设聊天室
- Food riots are spreading across Africa, although many have gone unreported in the international press. 粮食暴动正在非洲蔓延,只是许多事件都未受到国际媒体报导。
- The first chatroom will open to the public tomorrow, the press center of the NPC and CPPCC said yesterday. 第一个聊天室会在明天对公众开放;NPC和CPPCC的新闻中心昨天公布.
- The products that win SEMA International New Product Awards are selected by members of the International Press. 这两个产品奖都是被国际发布会的成员挑选出来的。
- The Main Press Center (MPC) is the central work place for the 5, 600 accredited written and photographic press covering the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. 主新闻中心(MPC)是北京2008年奥运会期间,5 600名注册记者注册文字和摄影媒体的工作总部。
- Hein Verbruggen spoke Tuesday at the opening ceremony for the Main Press Center, exactly one month before the Beijing Games are set to begin. 维尔布鲁根星期二在北京奥运主新闻中心在距北京奥运开幕整整一个月前交付使用的仪式上做出了上述表示。
- Extensive market experience in publishing (magazines and books), international press and stock photo syndication as well as sales and marketing. 出版(杂志与书本)、国际出版以及照片授权共用,销售与推广方面的市场经验丰富。
- Deng Yaping in the Beijing Olympic Press Center to participate in the weekly routine of a day reception disclosed the news. 邓亚萍是在北京奥运新闻中心参加每周一次的例行部长接待日时透露这一消息的。