- Concise, elegant, classical Symmetry integrated kitchen will comes to be an innovated fashion design. 对称式整体厨房,将成为一种创新的流行设计。
- Man-made stone mesa also is integral kitchen " cosset " . 人造石台面也是整体厨房的“宠儿”。
- Of course, integral kitchen is not the simple collocation of home appliance and ambry. 当然,整体厨房并不是家电与橱柜的简单搭配。
- The integral kitchen that can accomplish home appliance, ambry to cooperate cheek by jowl truly is more very few. 真正能够做到家电、橱柜紧密配合的整体厨房更是寥寥无几。
- The integral kitchen of a few modernization can be worn through join or inside the means of buy ring tab, horn allowing an edge also can lade article. 一些现代化的整体厨房会通过连接架或内置拉环的方式,让边角位也可以装载物品。
- If you are a person that indulges anything but to character, when decorating integral kitchen, from hardware proceed with. 假如你是个对品质决不迁就的人,装修整体厨房时,就从五金件入手吧。
- According to statistic, our country townsman has 80 million about, the integral kitchen, product that defend bath is had rate is extremely low. 据统计,我国城市居民约有8000万户,整体厨房、卫浴产品拥有率极低。
- It is me secondly when doing integral kitchen, should ask stylist to had taken conduit and other electrical wiring electrical outlet before the building is decorated! 其二是我在做整体厨房时,应该在房屋装修前就请设计师把水管和其他的电线插座留好!
- If installed dishwasher already, configured alexipharmic ark again, implementation rinse one continuous line serves, can make integral kitchen is used rise more convenient. 假如既设置了洗碗机,又配置了消毒柜,实现洗刷一条龙服务,则可以使整体厨房使用起来更方便。
- Luo Nv person tells a reporter, in the integral kitchen that new clothes repairs embeds home appliance or hiding into ambry, kitchen exterior is neat and much more capacious, facilitate again do. 罗女士告诉记者,新装修的整体厨房把家电嵌入或藏进了橱柜中,厨房外观整洁宽敞多了,又便于打理。
- She stabbed him in the leg with a kitchen knife. 她拿菜刀捅伤了他的腿。
- Everything in the kitchen is in good order. 厨房里的每样东西都井然有序。
- Color of loess, shallow palm, weak benefit of green, farad is red etc is the cosset in kingdom of the colour in this season, put glorious greatly in the fashionable sky of integral kitchen. 开放式空间及吧台的设计带有享乐主义的明显特性,使厨房成为家庭娱乐、休闲及社交活动的中心。
- The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out. 厨房里的电灯泡烧坏了。
- Have you swept out the kitchen as you promised? 你答应扫厨房,你扫了吗?
- I start off as a kitchen helper. 我开始是干厨房帮手的活。
- The open door revealed an untidy kitchen. 透过敞开的房门可以看见凌乱的厨房。
- The cooker won't fit in/into your new kitchen. 你的新厨房装不下这套炉具。
- The inspector find cockroach in the bottle kitchen. 卫生检查员在饭店厨房发现了蟑螂。
- I integrated your suggestion with my plan. 你的建议使我的计划完整了。