- Ikura Kazuya 井仓和也(1921-),日本人,银行家。
- I was really expecting some Uni,chu-toro, ikura and some better snappers. 我期望有的海胆,中拖罗,三文鱼子或好一点的鲷鱼均欠奉。
- The story centers around three characters - Uesugi Kazuya, his twin older brother Tatsuya, and Asakura Minami. 上杉家的孪生兄弟达也、和也,和邻居浅沧家的女孩小南从小一起长大,三人同时进入明青学园。
- A very nice Chinese fan site, full of love comments, dedicated to the Singing Goddess(baku) of seiyuu -- Ikura Kazue. 一个作得很用心又很有爱的中文粉丝网站,专门介绍声优歌姬(爆)-伊仓一惠小姐。
- While we would have liked to try out all the fighters, we were limited to just four--Jin, Kazuya, Bob, and Zafina--by a Namco rep monitoring the demo. 结果,我们看见试玩版人物选择中有全人物,所以兴奋不已。
- Products: Fresh, Chilled, and dried Salmon, Halibut, Crab, Caviar and Ikura 产品:生鲜/冷藏/乾鲑鱼,比目鱼,螃蟹,鱼子浆,鱼卵
- "My way of thinking has changed since I've come here," says Kazuya Nakagawa,a native of Yokohama. " I'm more positive and patient because of all the meditation and drills." 来自横滨的中川一代说:“自来这儿后我的思维方式已经发生了变化,由于在这儿的静默沉思和训练,我变得更积极而沉稳。”
- "My way of thinking has changed since I've come here," says Kazuya Nakagawa, a native of Yokohama. " I' m more positive and patient because of all the meditation and drills." 来自横滨的中川一代说:"自来这儿后我的思维方式已经发生了变化,由于在这儿的静默沉思和训练,我变得更积极而沉稳。
- Ikura 伊仓
- Kazuya 葛屋(姓,日本)
- Morita Kazuya 森田一哉(1926-),日本人,佛学家、创价学会理事长。
- Furuta Kazuya 古田和也(1926-),日本人,官员。
- Horigome Kazuya 堀笼一矢(1922-),日本人,官员。
- Iwata Kazuya 岩田一也(1932-),日本人,实业家。
- Kitagawa Kazuya 北川一也(1927-),日本人,实业家。
- Kiyotaki Kazuya 清泷一也(1924-),日本人,银行家。
- Tamaki Kazuya 玉置一弥(1944-),日本人,众议员。
- Ishibashi Kazuya 石桥一弥(1922-),日本人,众议员。