- I cannot brook his arrogance. 我不能容忍他的傲慢。
- I disliked him for his arrogance. 我讨厌他的傲慢。
- His arrogance comes out in every speech he makes. 他每次讲话都显得很傲慢。
- I dislike his arrogant demeanour. 我讨厌他那傲慢的行为。
- Wang Ping: More than that. His arrogance is lovely. 王平:岂止有意思,还真狂得可爱。
- His arrogance impressed us most unfavourably. 他的傲慢态度给我们留下了极坏的印象。
- He sank his arrogance and apologized. 他忍气吞声做了道歉
- His arrogance lowered him in her estimation. 他的妄自尊大降低了他在她心目中的位置。
- His arrogance made him unpopular. 他骄傲自大,以致人家都不喜欢他。
- His arrogance heated us beyond enduring. 他的傲慢使我们怒不可遏。
- His arrogance ruBBed everyone the wrong way. 他的傲慢态度使大家都感到恼火。
- His arrogance knew(= had)no limits. 他极其傲慢。
- She was astounded by his arrogance. 他的傲慢使她震惊。
- I can't get over his arrogant manners. 我受不了他那种傲慢态度。
- His arrogance is his worst enemy. 他的高傲给他束立了许多敌人。
- His arrogance made everyone dislike him. 他的傲慢态度使谁也不喜欢他。
- His arrogance sent me into a rage. 他的傲慢使我大怒。
- Jeff: His arrogance is very interesting. 杰夫:他可真狂得有意思。
- His arrogance impressed us most unfavorably. 他的傲慢给我们留下了极坏的印象。
- His arrogance has reached an unbearable intensity. 他的狂妄已经到了让人难易忍受的地步。