- I am fed up with his laziness and carelessness. 我受够了他的懒惰和粗心。
- I am fed up with his complaints. 我听够了他的怨言。
- I am fed up with all this argument. 我受够了这种争论。
- I am fed up with the irksome restrictions. 我对这些烦人的限制厌倦透顶。
- I am fed up with the noise here. 我讨厌这里的吵闹。
- I am fed up with so much nagging. 这样的唠叨太多了,我都觉得发腻了!
- Really, I am fed up with fried eggs. 真的,我吃腻了炒蛋。
- I am fed up with your grumbling. 我听够了你的怨言。
- I am fed up with his constant complaints. 他常常的抱怨令我厌烦。
- I am fed up with this wet weather. 我讨厌这潮湿的天气。
- I am fed up with typing eight hours a day. 我对每天打字八小时烦透了。
- I am fed up with your morbid imagenation. 我烦透了你那病态的想象。
- I am fed up with standing in these long lines. 我对站在这些长队伍中感到厌烦。
- Really! I am fed up with your carelessness. 真是的!你这么粗心大意我已受够了。
- I am be fed up with this dull life! 我受够了这种枯燥的生活。
- I am fed up with all those nonsense. 所有那些胡言乱语我真听腻了。
- I am fed up with being your stooge! 比如说:做你的附属品,我受够了。
- I was fed up with my boss' constant complaints. 我对於老板不停的抱怨,我已经听得烦不胜烦。
- I was fed up with my old and unreliable car. 我受够我那台又老又不可靠的车子了。
- I am fed up with the blurb that finance agency keeps sending me. 我对那家财务代理公司不断寄来的宣传广告感到极为厌烦。